1994 mazda lantis
1994 mazda lantis
1994 mazda lantis
1994 mazda lantis
1994 mazda lantis
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1994 Mazda Lantis spark and gas problems

Report a Problem

Date:January 9, 2013, 8:40 am
Location:New Zealand, Auckland, hawker bay
Vehicle:Mazda Lantis
Problems:the car will not start it is not getting gas and it has no spark at the sparkplug can you help me please
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November 11, 2014, 8:43 pm  from: Des Adamson
My daughter owns a 1996 Mazda Lantis 2.0l V6 which had a similar non starting problem. Our mechanic found that the distributor was the problem. He replaced this and now it starts fine. Hope this helps.
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Updated on February 14, 2025