2002 toyota allion
2002 toyota allion
2002 toyota allion
2002 toyota allion
2002 toyota allion
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2002 Toyota Allion finding the fuse boxes problems in Sri Lanka

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Date:October 16, 2010, 3:55 pm
Location:Sri Lanka, colombo, colombo
Vehicle:Toyota Allion
Problems:i got a prob wit the back stop lights bcos of a fuse failure. when i chkd d fuse box in the bonnete i cudnt found the stop light fuse. i wonder where is the othr fuse box located?
Previous car:corolla 121

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June 9, 2011, 6:55 am  from: Rajapakse
It is behind the coin box on right lower area of the dash board.
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September 25, 2014, 1:21 am  from: ryan
the other fuse box is at the back of the glove compartment the com campartment can come out
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Updated on June 19, 2024