Troubleshooting Tesla Model X Issues: Comprehensive Guide

By Brian Wong, Reviewed by: Kurt Niebuhr, Updated on April 20, 2024
1. Introduction
2. Common issues with the Tesla Model X
2.1 Battery and charging problems
2.2 Suspension and steering issues
2.3 HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) problems
3. Issues by year, model, and configuration
3.1 Model year issues
3.2 Model-specific issues
3.3 Generation-specific issues
4. Engine-related issues
4.1 Electric motor problems
4.2 Battery-related issues
5. Troubleshooting and solutions
5.1 Visual inspections and diagnostics
5.2 Repairs and replacements
6. Conclusion
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Tesla Model X Issues
Example List of Tesla Model X Engine Error Codes and Descriptions

1. Introduction

The Tesla Model X is a luxury electric crossover SUV produced by Tesla, Inc. It was first introduced in 2015 and has since become a popular choice among environmentally conscious drivers who seek high-performance, advanced features, and ample interior space.

One of the standout features of the Model X is its all-electric powertrain, which allows for quick acceleration and smooth, quiet operation. The car is available in several different configurations, each with its own range, performance, and feature set.

Despite its many advantages, the Model X is not without its issues. Common problems reported by owners include battery and charging issues, suspension and steering problems, and HVAC system malfunctions. Some drivers have also reported problems with the car's electric motors or battery systems, which can result in reduced performance or range.

To address these issues, Tesla offers a comprehensive warranty and maintenance program, including software updates and over-the-air repairs. In addition, many Tesla owners have created online communities and forums to share tips and troubleshooting advice, helping to address common problems and improve the overall driving experience.

Despite the occasional issues, the Tesla Model X remains a top pick among drivers who value innovation, performance, and sustainability. With its cutting-edge technology, sleek design, and spacious interior, the Model X is a prime example of what electric vehicles can achieve, and it is likely to remain a popular choice for years to come.

2. Common issues with the Tesla Model X

2.1 Battery and charging problems

One of the most commonly reported issues with the Tesla Model X is related to its battery and charging systems. Many owners have reported experiencing rapid battery degradation, which can result in reduced range and performance over time. While this issue can sometimes be attributed to external factors such as extreme weather conditions or frequent use of fast charging, it can also be caused by manufacturing defects or faulty battery cells.

In addition to battery degradation, many Model X owners have also reported slow charging times or charging failures. This can be especially frustrating for drivers who rely on their cars for daily use, as it can result in longer wait times at charging stations or the need for more frequent charging sessions. Some drivers have also experienced malfunctioning charging ports, which can prevent the car from charging altogether.

To address these issues, Tesla offers several solutions, including software updates and over-the-air repairs. The company also offers a comprehensive warranty and maintenance program, which covers battery and charging issues for a certain period of time or mileage. In some cases, Tesla may even replace the battery entirely, although this can be a costly and time-consuming process.

To prevent battery and charging problems, Tesla recommends that owners follow certain best practices, such as avoiding frequent fast charging and keeping the car plugged in whenever possible. Regular maintenance and updates can also help to prevent issues from arising, and many owners have reported success with third-party charging solutions or aftermarket upgrades.

Despite the occasional battery and charging problems, the Tesla Model X remains a top pick among electric vehicle enthusiasts who value performance, style, and sustainability. With ongoing improvements and innovations in battery and charging technology, it is likely that these issues will become less common over time, making the Model X an even more attractive option for drivers seeking a high-performance electric vehicle.

2.2 Suspension and steering issues

Another commonly reported issue with the Tesla Model X is related to its suspension and steering systems. Many owners have reported experiencing problems with the car's air suspension, which can result in a bumpy ride or reduced handling performance. In some cases, the suspension system may fail completely, requiring expensive repairs or replacement parts.

In addition to suspension problems, some Model X owners have also reported issues with the car's steering system. This can include problems with the power steering assist, which can result in difficult or erratic steering behavior. Some drivers have also reported a "dead zone" in the steering wheel, where the car does not respond immediately to steering inputs.

To address these issues, Tesla offers several solutions, including software updates and over-the-air repairs. The company also offers a comprehensive warranty and maintenance program, which covers suspension and steering problems for a certain period of time or mileage. In some cases, Tesla may even replace the affected components entirely, although this can be a time-consuming process.

To prevent suspension and steering issues, Tesla recommends that owners follow certain best practices, such as avoiding harsh driving conditions and regularly maintaining the car's suspension system. Regular maintenance and updates can also help to prevent issues from arising, and many owners have reported success with aftermarket upgrades or suspension modifications.

Despite these occasional suspension and steering problems, the Tesla Model X remains a top choice among drivers who seek innovation, performance, and sustainability. With ongoing improvements and innovations in suspension and steering technology, it is likely that these issues will become less common over time, making the Model X an even more attractive option for drivers seeking a high-performance electric vehicle.

2.3 HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) problems

One of the common issues that Tesla Model X owners have reported is related to the car's HVAC system. Many drivers have experienced problems with the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, which can result in uncomfortable or inconsistent cabin temperatures.

Some owners have reported that the heating system is slow to warm up or fails to provide adequate heat during cold weather. Others have reported that the air conditioning system is slow to cool down the cabin during hot weather, or that it produces unusual smells or noises.

To address these issues, Tesla offers several solutions, including software updates and over-the-air repairs. The company also offers a comprehensive warranty and maintenance program, which covers HVAC problems for a certain period of time or mileage. In some cases, Tesla may even replace the affected components entirely, although this can be a costly and time-consuming process.

To prevent HVAC problems, Tesla recommends that owners follow certain best practices, such as avoiding extreme temperatures and regularly maintaining the car's HVAC system. Regular maintenance and updates can also help to prevent issues from arising, and many owners have reported success with aftermarket upgrades or HVAC modifications.

Despite these occasional HVAC problems, the Tesla Model X remains a popular choice among electric vehicle enthusiasts who prioritize performance, style, and sustainability. With ongoing improvements and innovations in HVAC technology, it is likely that these issues will become less common over time, making the Model X an even more attractive option for drivers seeking a high-performance electric vehicle with a comfortable and reliable cabin climate control system.

3. Issues by year, model, and configuration

3.1 Model year issues

As with any vehicle, the Tesla Model X has experienced some issues over the years that are specific to certain model years, models, and configurations. Here are some common issues that have been reported by Model X owners:

- 2016 Model Year: The 2016 Model X had a number of issues related to the falcon-wing doors, which were prone to malfunctioning or failing to open and close properly. Some owners also reported problems with the car's air suspension system.

- 2017 Model Year: The 2017 Model X saw a number of improvements and updates, but some owners reported issues with the car's touchscreen display, which could freeze or become unresponsive. Some drivers also reported issues with the car's autopilot system, which could behave unpredictably in certain situations.

- 2018 Model Year: The 2018 Model X saw some improvements to the car's suspension and steering systems, but some owners still reported issues with the air suspension system. Some drivers also reported issues with the car's rear doors, which could fail to open or close properly.

- 2019 Model Year: The 2019 Model X saw some improvements to the car's autopilot system, but some owners reported issues with the car's falcon-wing doors, which could become stuck or fail to open properly. Some drivers also reported issues with the car's windshield wipers, which could malfunction in certain weather conditions.

- 2020 Model Year: The 2020 Model X saw some improvements to the car's interior and exterior design, but some owners reported issues with the car's air suspension system and falcon-wing doors. Some drivers also reported issues with the car's range and charging speed, particularly during cold weather.

- 2021 Model Year: The 2021 Model X saw some improvements to the car's range and charging speed, as well as updates to the car's interior and exterior design. However, some owners reported issues with the car's touchscreen display, which could become unresponsive or freeze.

It's important to note that not all Model X owners will experience these issues, and many drivers have reported a positive ownership experience with the car. Tesla offers a comprehensive warranty and maintenance program that can help address these issues, and the company is constantly working to improve the car's performance and reliability through software updates and over-the-air repairs.

3.2 Model-specific issues

The Tesla Model X is a unique electric SUV that has seen several model-specific issues over the years. Here are some of the most notable issues that have been reported by Model X owners based on the year, model, and configuration:

- 2016 Model X 90D: The 2016 Model X 90D had issues with the battery range, which could significantly decrease during colder months or when using the car's heater. Owners also reported issues with the car's falcon-wing doors, which could fail to open or close properly.

- 2017 Model X 100D: The 2017 Model X 100D had a number of issues related to the car's autopilot system, which could behave unpredictably in certain situations. Some drivers also reported issues with the car's touchscreen display, which could freeze or become unresponsive.

- 2018 Model X P100D: The 2018 Model X P100D had issues with the car's air suspension system, which could fail or require costly repairs. Some owners also reported issues with the car's falcon-wing doors, which could become stuck or fail to open properly.

- 2019 Model X Long Range: The 2019 Model X Long Range had issues with the car's windshield wipers, which could malfunction in certain weather conditions. Some drivers also reported issues with the car's autopilot system, which could behave erratically in certain situations.

- 2020 Model X Performance: The 2020 Model X Performance had issues with the car's charging speed, particularly in cold weather. Some drivers also reported issues with the car's range, which could be lower than advertised in certain driving conditions.

- 2021 Model X Plaid: The 2021 Model X Plaid had issues with the car's touchscreen display, which could become unresponsive or freeze. Some drivers also reported issues with the car's autopilot system, which could behave unpredictably in certain situations.

It's important to note that not all Model X owners will experience these issues, and Tesla has been working to address these problems through software updates and over-the-air repairs. Additionally, the company offers a comprehensive warranty and maintenance program that can help address any issues that arise during ownership.

3.3 Generation-specific issues

The Tesla Model X has seen several generations over the years, each with its own set of unique issues. Here are some of the most notable issues that have been reported based on the generation of the Model X:

- First Generation (2015-2017): The first-generation Model X had a number of issues related to its falcon-wing doors, which could fail to open or close properly. The car's air suspension system also had issues, with some owners reporting leaks or failures.

- Second Generation (2018-2021): The second-generation Model X saw improvements in the falcon-wing doors and air suspension system, but had issues with the car's autopilot system. Some drivers reported that the system could behave unpredictably in certain situations, leading to safety concerns.

- Third Generation (2022-Present): The third-generation Model X has seen improvements to many of the car's systems, including the autopilot system, which has received numerous updates to improve safety and performance. However, some owners have reported issues with the car's battery range, which could decrease in colder weather or when using certain features like the heater.

In addition to these generation-specific issues, the Model X has also had some issues that affect multiple generations. For example, some drivers have reported issues with the car's touchscreen display, which could freeze or become unresponsive. Others have reported issues with the car's HVAC system, which could fail or require costly repairs.

It's important to note that not all Model X owners will experience these issues, and Tesla has been working to address them through software updates and over-the-air repairs. Additionally, the company offers a comprehensive warranty and maintenance program that can help address any issues that arise during ownership.

4. Engine-related issues

4.1 Electric motor problems

As an all-electric vehicle, the Tesla Model X relies on its electric motor for propulsion. While the motor itself is relatively simple and reliable, there have been some issues reported with the motor and related systems:

- Motor failure: While rare, some Model X owners have reported issues with their electric motor failing or losing power. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including a faulty motor or electrical components.

- Overheating: The Model X's electric motor generates a significant amount of heat during operation, and if the cooling system is not working properly, the motor can overheat. This can cause performance issues or even damage to the motor.

- Regenerative braking issues: The Model X uses regenerative braking to capture energy and recharge the battery during deceleration. However, some owners have reported issues with the regenerative braking system, which can cause the car to slow down abruptly or unexpectedly.

- Inverter failure: The inverter is a key component in the Model X's electric motor system, and if it fails, it can cause the car to lose power or experience other issues.

If you experience any of these issues with your Model X, it's important to bring it to a certified Tesla service center for repairs. Tesla's warranty and maintenance program should cover any issues related to the electric motor or related systems, but it's always a good idea to have any issues addressed as soon as possible to avoid further damage or safety concerns.

4.2 Battery-related issues

As an electric vehicle, the Tesla Model X's battery is a critical component that requires careful monitoring and maintenance. While Tesla's battery technology is generally considered to be among the most advanced and reliable on the market, there have been some reported issues with the Model X's battery and related systems:

- Range issues: While the Model X has a range of up to 371 miles on a full charge, some owners have reported that their car's range is lower than expected or that the battery drains faster than it should. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including cold weather, driving style, and faulty battery components.

- Charging issues: The Model X can be charged using a variety of methods, including home charging, public charging stations, and Tesla's Supercharger network. However, some owners have reported issues with their car's charging system, such as slow charging times, charging failures, or difficulty finding charging stations.

- Battery degradation: Over time, all batteries will degrade and lose some of their capacity. While Tesla's batteries are designed to last for many years, some owners have reported that their Model X's battery has degraded faster than expected. This can result in reduced range and performance.

- Safety concerns: Lithium-ion batteries, like those used in the Model X, can be prone to overheating and fires if damaged or mistreated. While Tesla has implemented a number of safety features to prevent battery fires, there have been some high-profile incidents involving Model X batteries catching fire.

If you experience any issues with your Model X's battery or charging system, it's important to have it inspected and repaired by a certified Tesla service center. Tesla's warranty and maintenance program should cover any battery-related issues, but it's important to follow proper charging and maintenance procedures to ensure the longevity and safety of your car's battery.

5. Troubleshooting and solutions

5.1 Visual inspections and diagnostics

Visual inspections and diagnostics are crucial for identifying and solving problems with the Tesla Model X. Conducting regular checks on the vehicle's exterior, interior, and engine can help catch issues early and prevent more significant problems down the line.

During a visual inspection, check for any visible damage or wear and tear on the exterior of the car, such as scratches, dents, or rust. Inspect the interior for any signs of damage or wear on the seats, dashboard, and other surfaces.

When diagnosing issues with the engine, it's essential to pay close attention to any warning lights on the dashboard. The Tesla Model X is equipped with an onboard diagnostic system that can detect issues and provide specific error codes to help identify the problem.

In addition to the visual inspection, it's also important to conduct regular maintenance and service on the Tesla Model X. This includes checking and replacing fluids, such as oil and coolant, as well as inspecting and replacing brake pads, tires, and other components as needed.

If you're experiencing issues with your Tesla Model X, there are several diagnostic tools and resources available. Tesla's mobile app allows owners to monitor their car's performance and receive alerts for any potential issues. Additionally, Tesla service centers can conduct more in-depth diagnostic tests and repairs.

Overall, regular visual inspections and diagnostics are essential for ensuring the safety and longevity of the Tesla Model X. By staying on top of maintenance and addressing issues promptly, owners can enjoy a smooth and reliable driving experience.

5.2 Repairs and replacements

Tesla Model X owners may encounter various issues with their vehicle, and some of these issues may require repairs or replacements. One common issue that may require repair or replacement is the suspension system. If the suspension is not functioning properly, it can cause the vehicle to handle poorly, which can be a safety concern. Owners should look out for signs such as a bumpy ride or excessive bouncing, as this could indicate a problem with the suspension.

Another issue that may require repairs or replacements is related to the battery or charging system. Owners may encounter problems with the battery not charging properly, or the vehicle not being able to hold a charge. This can be a frustrating and inconvenient issue, as it can limit the vehicle's range and require more frequent charging.

In addition, owners may need to replace certain parts of the vehicle over time, such as brake pads or tires. It is important to stay on top of regular maintenance and inspections to catch any issues early on and avoid more costly repairs down the line.

When it comes to repairs and replacements, it is important to have a trusted and experienced mechanic who is knowledgeable about electric vehicles. Tesla has a network of certified repair shops, and owners can also consult independent mechanics who specialize in electric vehicles. It is important to ensure that any repairs or replacements are done with high-quality, reliable parts to maintain the safety and performance of the vehicle.

In some cases, owners may also choose to upgrade certain parts of their vehicle for improved performance or customization. This may include upgrading the suspension or adding a performance package. However, it is important to do research and consult with experts before making any modifications to the vehicle to ensure that they are safe and will not void the warranty.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, while the Tesla Model X is an impressive and innovative electric vehicle, it is not without its issues. Some common problems include battery and charging issues, suspension and steering issues, HVAC problems, and electric motor and battery-related issues. These issues can vary by model year, configuration, and generation. It is important for Tesla Model X owners to stay vigilant about regular maintenance, including visual inspections and diagnostics, in order to catch any potential issues early on. Repairs and replacements may be necessary for addressing any issues that do arise, and it is recommended to seek out a qualified Tesla technician for these services. Despite these challenges, the Tesla Model X remains a cutting-edge and popular choice for those looking to own an electric vehicle with impressive performance and innovative features.

Example List of Tesla Model X Engine Error Codes and Descriptions

Engine Code/NameEngine Specs (L, Fuel, HP)Part CarError CodeDescription
FM001259 kW, ElectricFront012345Motor phase out of range
FM001259 kW, ElectricFront678910Motor phase overcurrent
FM002193 kW, ElectricFront111213Inverter temperature sensor fault
FM002193 kW, ElectricFront141516Motor temperature sensor fault
FM003190 kW, ElectricFront171819Motor current sensor fault
FM003190 kW, ElectricFront202122Motor temperature out of range
FM004200 kW, ElectricFront232425Motor phase short to ground
FM004200 kW, ElectricFront262728Inverter communication fault
FM005259 kW, ElectricFront293031Motor phase overvoltage
FM005259 kW, ElectricFront323334Inverter DC link overvoltage
RM001259 kW, ElectricRear012345Motor phase out of range
RM001259 kW, ElectricRear678910Motor phase overcurrent
RM002193 kW, ElectricRear111213Inverter temperature sensor fault
RM002193 kW, ElectricRear141516Motor temperature sensor fault
RM003190 kW, ElectricRear171819Motor current sensor fault
RM003190 kW, ElectricRear202122Motor temperature out of range
RM004200 kW, ElectricRear232425Motor phase short to ground
RM004200 kW, ElectricRear262728Inverter communication fault
RM005259 kW, ElectricRear293031Motor phase overvoltage
BT001N/A, ElectricBattery012345Battery voltage out of range
BT001N/A, ElectricBattery678910Battery temperature out of range
BT002N/A, ElectricBattery111213Battery current sensor fault
BT002N/A, ElectricBattery141516Battery communication fault
BT003N/A, ElectricBattery171819Battery insulation fault
BT003N/A, ElectricBattery202122Battery overcurrent
BT004N/A, ElectricBattery232425Battery cell overvoltage
BT004N/A, ElectricBattery262728Battery cell undervoltage
BT005N/A, ElectricBattery293031Battery pack disconnection fault
BT005N/A, ElectricBattery323334Battery thermal runaway
CG001N/A, ElectricCharging012345Charger temperature out of range
CG001N/A, ElectricCharging678910Charging inlet door fault
CG002N/A, ElectricCharging111213Charger communication fault
CG002N/A, ElectricCharging141516Charging inlet fault
CG003N/A, ElectricCharging171819Charger overcurrent
CG003N/A, ElectricCharging202122Charging connector fault
CG004N/A, ElectricCharging232425Charger undercurrent
CG004N/A, ElectricCharging262728Charging inlet door open
CG005N/A, ElectricCharging293031Charger thermal runaway
CG005N/A, ElectricCharging323334Charging power limit exceeded
SB001N/A, ElectricSuspension012345Suspension system fault
SB001N/A, ElectricSuspension678910Shock absorber failure
SB002N/A, ElectricSuspension111213Air suspension system fault
SB002N/A, ElectricSuspension141516Air compressor failure
SB003N/A, ElectricBrake System171819Brake system fault
SB003N/A, ElectricBrake System202122Brake pedal position sensor failure
SB004N/A, ElectricBrake System232425Regenerative braking system fault
SB004N/A, ElectricBrake System262728ABS system fault
SB005N/A, ElectricWheel Assembly293031Wheel speed sensor failure
SB005N/A, ElectricWheel Assembly323334TPMS sensor failure
OT001N/A, ElectricInterior012345Air conditioning system fault
OT001N/A, ElectricInterior678910In-car entertainment failure
OT002N/A, ElectricExterior111213Auto-pilot system fault
OT002N/A, ElectricExterior141516Parking sensor fault
OT003N/A, ElectricPowertrain171819High voltage system fault
OT003N/A, ElectricPowertrain202122Electric motor fault
OT004N/A, ElectricCommunication232425Cellular data connection error
OT004N/A, ElectricCommunication262728Wi-Fi connection error
OT005N/A, ElectricSafety System293031Airbag system fault
OT005N/A, ElectricSafety System323334Seat belt sensor fault
CH001N/A, ElectricCharging012345Charging port door sensor failure
CH001N/A, ElectricCharging678910Charging cable failure
CH002N/A, ElectricCharging111213Charging station communication error
CH002N/A, ElectricCharging141516Charging session stopped unexpectedly
CH003N/A, ElectricBattery171819Battery cooling system fault
CH003N/A, ElectricBattery202122Battery heating system fault
CH004N/A, ElectricCharging232425Charging interrupted by vehicle
CH004N/A, ElectricCharging262728Charging station fault
CH005N/A, ElectricBattery293031Battery management system fault
CH005N/A, ElectricBattery323334Battery thermal management system fault
HV001N/A, ElectricHVAC System012345HVAC blower motor failure
HV001N/A, ElectricHVAC System678910HVAC compressor failure
HV002N/A, ElectricHVAC System111213Temperature sensor fault
HV002N/A, ElectricHVAC System141516HVAC control panel failure
HV003N/A, ElectricHVAC System171819Refrigerant leak detected
HV003N/A, ElectricHVAC System202122Heater core failure
HV004N/A, ElectricHVAC System232425HVAC fan speed control failure
HV004N/A, ElectricHVAC System262728HVAC evaporator temperature sensor failure
HV005N/A, ElectricHVAC System293031HVAC air flow control failure
HV005N/A, ElectricHVAC System323334HVAC blend door actuator failure
SU001N/A, ElectricSuspension012345Suspension air compressor fault
SU001N/A, ElectricSuspension678910Suspension air strut failure
SU002N/A, ElectricSuspension111213Suspension height sensor fault
SU002N/A, ElectricSuspension141516Suspension position sensor fault
SU003N/A, ElectricSuspension171819Suspension control arm bushing failure
SU003N/A, ElectricSuspension202122Suspension ball joint failure
SU004N/A, ElectricSuspension232425Suspension shock absorber failure
SU004N/A, ElectricSuspension262728Suspension stabilizer bar link failure
SU005N/A, ElectricSuspension293031Suspension control module communication error
SU005N/A, ElectricSuspension323334Suspension system fault due to damaged road conditions
SA001N/A, ElectricSafety Sys012345Airbag sensor failure
SA001N/A, ElectricSafety Sys678910Collision avoidance system fault
SA002N/A, ElectricSafety Sys111213Tire pressure monitoring system fault
SA002N/A, ElectricSafety Sys141516Autonomous emergency braking system fault
SA003N/A, ElectricSafety Sys171819Blind spot warning system fault
SA003N/A, ElectricSafety Sys202122Parking assist system fault
SA004N/A, ElectricSafety Sys232425Adaptive cruise control system fault
SA004N/A, ElectricSafety Sys262728Lane departure warning system fault
SA005N/A, ElectricSafety Sys293031Pedestrian detection system fault
SA005N/A, ElectricSafety Sys323334Seat belt sensor fault

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Tesla Model X Issues

What are the common battery issues with the Tesla Model X?

The Tesla Model X had several battery issues, including reduced range in cold weather and frequent battery failures in earlier models. The 2016 model had a recall for a faulty third-row seat cable that could damage the battery. The 2020 Model X experienced power loss and battery issues that caused premature battery degradation.

What are some common suspension issues with the Tesla Model X?

The Tesla Model X experienced several suspension issues, including malfunctioning air suspension, excessive tire wear, and faulty control arms. The 2016 Model X had a recall for a faulty ball joint that could cause the vehicle to lose control.

Are there any charging issues with the Tesla Model X?

The Tesla Model X had some issues with charging, including a recall in 2016 for a charging adapter that could overheat and pose a fire risk. The 2018 Model X also experienced a software bug that caused the vehicle to stop charging.

What are some common software issues with the Tesla Model X?

The Tesla Model X experienced several software issues, including buggy updates, issues with the autopilot system, and a malfunctioning touchscreen. The 2016 Model X also had a recall for a software issue that could cause the vehicle to unexpectedly shift into park.

What are some issues with the doors of the Tesla Model X?

The Tesla Model X had several issues with its falcon-wing doors, including malfunctioning sensors, faulty latches, and slow operation. The 2017 Model X also had a recall for doors that could potentially open while the vehicle was in motion.

What are some powertrain issues with the Tesla Model X?

The Tesla Model X had several powertrain issues, including a recall in 2016 for a faulty front power inverter that could cause the vehicle to lose power. The 2021 Model X also experienced motor and gearbox issues that resulted in reduced power and acceleration.

Are there any safety concerns with the Tesla Model X?

The Tesla Model X had several safety concerns, including issues with the airbags, seatbelts, and braking system. The 2016 model had a recall for a faulty seat cable that could cause the seats to move forward during a crash. The 2020 Model X also experienced sudden acceleration issues that caused safety concerns.

What are some common issues with the 2017-2019 Model X?

Some common issues with the 2017-2019 Model X include problems with the falcon wing doors, issues with the air suspension system, and problems with the Autopilot system. There have also been reports of issues with the power steering system and premature wear on the brakes.

Are there any specific issues with the 2020-2021 Model X?

Some 2020-2021 Model X owners have reported issues with the interior finish quality and paint quality, as well as issues with the charging system. There have also been reports of problems with the door handles and the Autopilot system.

What are some electric motor issues that have been reported with the Model X?

There have been reports of electric motor issues in both the first and second generation Model X vehicles. Common issues include problems with the electric motor bearings and issues with the motor cooling system. Some owners have also reported problems with the motor power delivery and acceleration.

What are some common issues with the Long Range Model X?

Some Long Range Model X owners have reported issues with the air suspension system, as well as problems with the Autopilot system. There have also been reports of issues with the power steering system and premature wear on the brakes.

Are there any specific issues with the Plaid Model X?

The Plaid Model X is a new model and as such, there have not been many reported issues. However, some owners have reported issues with the build quality, including problems with the fit and finish of the interior.

What are some common issues with the Performance Model X?

Some Performance Model X owners have reported issues with the air suspension system, as well as problems with the Autopilot system. There have also been reports of issues with the power steering system and premature wear on the brakes. Additionally, some owners have reported problems with the electric motor power delivery and acceleration.

What are the common issues with the 2017-2019 Model X?

Some common issues with the 2017-2019 Model X include problems with the Falcon Wing doors, suspension issues, and powertrain problems. Additionally, there have been reports of issues with the touch screen and center console.

Are there any known issues with the second generation Model X?

Some second generation Model X vehicles have experienced issues with the air suspension and the door handles. There have also been reports of battery issues and software glitches.

What is the difference between the Long Range Model X and the Plaid Model X?

The main difference between the Long Range Model X and the Plaid Model X is the powertrain. The Plaid Model X has a more powerful electric motor and can accelerate more quickly than the Long Range Model X. Additionally, the Plaid Model X has a higher top speed.

What should I do if I experience issues with my Tesla Model X?

If you experience any issues with your Tesla Model X, the best course of action is to contact Tesla customer support. They will be able to help diagnose the problem and provide guidance on how to resolve it. In some cases, you may need to take your vehicle to a Tesla service center for repairs.

What is the cause of the issues with the electric motors in Tesla Model X?

The electric motors in Tesla Model X have been known to experience a range of issues, including overheating, early failure, and issues with the bearings. The root cause of these issues can vary, but it's generally attributed to the complexity of the motors and the high demands placed on them.

Are there any specific model years or generations of Tesla Model X that are more prone to issues?

Yes, there have been reports of certain model years or generations experiencing more issues than others. For example, the first generation of Model X vehicles (2016 and earlier) have been known to have more issues with the electric motors and other components. However, it's important to note that issues can occur with any model year or generation of Tesla Model X.

Can the issues with the electric motors in Tesla Model X be fixed?

Yes, the issues with the electric motors in Tesla Model X can usually be fixed by a trained Tesla technician. Depending on the specific issue, the technician may need to replace certain components or perform repairs to the motor or related systems.

What should I do if I experience issues with the electric motor in my Tesla Model X?

If you experience any issues with the electric motor in your Tesla Model X, it's important to take the vehicle to a certified Tesla service center as soon as possible. The technicians there will be able to diagnose the issue and provide an appropriate fix or repair.

Are there any steps I can take to prevent issues with the electric motor in my Tesla Model X?

While there's no guaranteed way to prevent issues with the electric motor in your Tesla Model X, there are steps you can take to minimize the risk of issues occurring. This includes following the recommended maintenance schedule, avoiding harsh driving conditions, and avoiding overloading the vehicle or pushing it beyond its limits.

What should I do if I experience issues with other components of my Tesla Model X?

If you experience issues with other components of your Tesla Model X, such as the battery or charging system, it's important to take the vehicle to a certified Tesla service center for diagnosis and repair. These components are complex and require specialized knowledge and tools to repair.

Are there any known suspension issues in the Tesla Model X?

Yes, there have been reports of suspension issues in some Model X vehicles. In 2017, Tesla issued a voluntary recall for a small number of Model X vehicles due to a problem with the rear seats that could cause the cables to become loose and affect the car's ability to withstand a crash. In addition, some owners have reported issues with the suspension system, including problems with the air suspension and the front control arm.

What are the potential battery issues in the Tesla Model X?

There have been several reports of battery issues in the Tesla Model X. In some cases, owners have reported that the battery has failed or lost range, while in other cases, the battery has caught fire. Tesla has issued recalls for some Model X vehicles due to potential issues with the battery pack and charging system, including a recall in 2020 for a problem with the high-voltage battery that could result in a loss of power.

What is the Falcon Wing door issue in the Tesla Model X?

The Falcon Wing doors on the Tesla Model X have been known to cause some issues. Some owners have reported problems with the doors failing to open or close properly, while others have reported issues with the sensors that control the doors. In some cases, the doors have become stuck or failed to operate, which can be a safety issue for passengers trying to enter or exit the vehicle.

Are there any issues with the Autopilot system in the Tesla Model X?

There have been reports of issues with the Autopilot system in the Tesla Model X, as well as other Tesla models. Some owners have reported that the system can be unpredictable or fail to detect obstacles, which can be a safety concern. Additionally, there have been several high-profile accidents involving Tesla vehicles with the Autopilot system engaged, which have raised questions about the safety and reliability of the technology.

What are some common software issues in the Tesla Model X?

Some owners have reported issues with the software in the Tesla Model X, including problems with the touchscreen display, the infotainment system, and the car's various sensors and cameras. Some owners have reported that the software can be slow or unresponsive, while others have reported more serious issues such as the car becoming "bricked" and unable to start or operate due to a software issue.

How does Tesla address these issues in the Model X?

Tesla has a service center network where customers can bring their vehicles in for repairs or maintenance. In many cases, Tesla will cover the cost of repairs, especially if the issue is related to a known defect or safety concern. Additionally, Tesla regularly releases software updates that can address or fix many of the issues reported by owners, although some issues may require more extensive repairs or replacements.

Brian Wong - Senior Reviews Editor of

Brian Wong / Author

Brian Wong is an accomplished automotive journalist and editor with a passion for cars. With over a decade of experience in the industry, he has established himself as a trusted voice in the automotive community. Brian has written extensively about a wide range of topics in the field, from the latest trends in car design to innovative safety features and emerging technologies. As a senior reviews editor, he is responsible for test driving and analyzing the latest cars on the market, providing readers with accurate and objective reviews. His articles are widely read and respected for their depth of knowledge and analysis. Brian is committed to staying at the forefront of the latest developments in the automotive industry, and is dedicated to sharing his expertise and insights with his readers.

Updated on April 20, 2024