1997 mazda lantis
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1997 Mazda Lantis problema to find subcelente pieces

Report a Problem

Date:November 22, 2012, 5:03 pm
Name:manuel simao
Location:Mozambique, Maputo, Maputo
Vehicle:Mazda Lantis
General comments:I have trouble finding pieces of my car, like water pump, headlights, fuel pump and others.
no other vehicles compatible?
Problems:Good morning: please
I have trouble finding pieces of my car, like water pump, headlights, fuel pump and others.

headlights and front glass is broken frequently, however not against the market to replace.

I need your help

Previous car:mazda lantis
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Photo Mazda Lantis

Suggest a Solution

March 2, 2015, 6:53 am  from: Salam
I am using a Mazda Lantis too...a 1.8L (A) 1996 model..and I used to repair my own car..to me the best solution is change the whole engine to a recond engine...U can save time n cost by doing that..
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March 2, 2015, 7:01 am  from: Salam
Me n my car...
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Updated on December 11, 2024