1999 hyundai galloper
1999 hyundai galloper
1999 hyundai galloper
1999 hyundai galloper
1999 hyundai galloper
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1999 Hyundai Galloper clutch pedal problem

Report a Problem

Date:February 16, 2022, 2:14 pm
Name:Tony Whelan
Location:Spain, Sevilla, Pruna
Vehicle:Hyundai Galloper
General comments:Oh it's a diesel 2.5 long wheelbase base. It's done 168,000kms
Problems:Clear Oil on Floor and the clutch pedal won't return to the top it does when left for over an hour. Trouble is the clutch itself is working as with the engine running it goes into all the gear's but won't lift up to engage. The oil resevoirs all seem to be full. Is there a hidden resevoir somewhere.
Previous car:Ssanyong Korando
Contact:show contact

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Updated on January 23, 2025