Common Issues with the Daihatsu Move Latte - A Comprehensive Guide

By Brian Wong, Reviewed by: Kurt Niebuhr, Updated on April 18, 2024
1. Engine Issues
1.1. Lack of Power
1.2. Overheating
1.3. Oil Leaks
2. Transmission Issues
2.1. Jerky or Sluggish Shifting
2.2. Transmission Slipping
2.3. Grinding or Whining Noise
3. Electrical Issues
3.1. Dead Battery
3.2. Electrical Shorts
3.3. Malfunctioning Dashboard Lights
4. Suspension and Steering Issues
4.1. Vibrations or Shaking
4.2. Squeaking or Clunking Noises
4.3. Steering Wheel Misalignment
5. Braking Issues
5.1. Brake Noise
5.2. Brake Fluid Leaks
5.3. Brake Pedal Issues
6. Other Issues
6.1. Exhaust System Issues
6.2. Fuel System Issues
6.3. Air Conditioning Issues
7. Common Issues by Model Year and Generation
7.1. First Generation (1998-2002)
7.2. Second Generation (2002-2006)
7.3. Third Generation (2006-2010)
7.4. Fourth Generation (2010-2014)
7.5. Fifth Generation (2014-2019)
8. Conclusion
Frequently Asked Questions About Daihatsu Move Latte Issues
Example List of Daihatsu Move Latte Engine Error Codes and Descriptions

1. Engine Issues

1.1. Lack of Power

If you own a Daihatsu Move Latte and are experiencing a lack of power or engine issues, it can be a frustrating and concerning experience. Lack of power can occur due to a variety of reasons, and it is important to identify the root cause of the issue in order to resolve it effectively. Here are some potential reasons why your Daihatsu Move Latte may be experiencing a lack of power:

1. Clogged Air Filter: One common reason for lack of power in a car is a clogged air filter. The air filter is responsible for filtering out dirt and debris from the air that enters the engine, and if it becomes clogged, it can restrict the airflow to the engine, causing it to lose power. Regularly replacing your air filter can help prevent this issue.

2. Fuel Filter Issues: The fuel filter is responsible for filtering out impurities from the fuel before it enters the engine. If the fuel filter becomes clogged, it can restrict the flow of fuel to the engine, causing it to lose power. Replacing the fuel filter regularly can help prevent this issue.

3. Ignition System Issues: The ignition system is responsible for igniting the fuel in the engine, and if it is not functioning properly, it can cause a lack of power. Issues with the ignition system can include faulty spark plugs, ignition coils, or wiring. Replacing or repairing these components can help resolve the issue.

4. Fuel Pump Issues: The fuel pump is responsible for pumping fuel from the tank to the engine, and if it is not functioning properly, it can cause a lack of power. Issues with the fuel pump can include a faulty pump or a clogged fuel line. Replacing or repairing the fuel pump can help resolve the issue.

5. Transmission Issues: If your Daihatsu Move Latte is experiencing a lack of power, it could be due to transmission issues such as a slipping clutch, low transmission fluid levels, or a faulty transmission. Diagnosing and repairing these issues can help resolve the problem.

If you are experiencing a lack of power or engine issues with your Daihatsu Move Latte, it is important to have it inspected and diagnosed by a certified mechanic. They can help identify the root cause of the issue and provide effective solutions to resolve it. By taking proactive steps to address any engine issues, you can ensure that your Daihatsu Move Latte continues to run smoothly and reliably.

1.2. Overheating

Overheating can be a serious issue for any vehicle, including the Daihatsu Move Latte. If your car is experiencing overheating, it can be caused by a variety of factors. Here are some potential reasons why your Daihatsu Move Latte may be overheating:

1. Low Coolant Levels: The most common cause of engine overheating is low coolant levels. The coolant is responsible for regulating the temperature of the engine, and if it is low or leaking, it can cause the engine to overheat. Regularly checking your coolant levels and topping up when necessary can help prevent this issue.

2. Malfunctioning Thermostat: The thermostat is responsible for regulating the flow of coolant to the engine. If it is not functioning properly, it can cause the engine to overheat. Replacing a malfunctioning thermostat can help resolve this issue.

3. Cooling System Leaks: A leak in the cooling system can cause a loss of coolant, leading to overheating. Common places for leaks to occur include the radiator, hoses, water pump, and heater core. Identifying and repairing any leaks can help prevent overheating.

4. Radiator Issues: If the radiator is not functioning properly, it can cause the engine to overheat. Issues with the radiator can include a clogged radiator, damaged fins, or a faulty fan. Replacing or repairing the radiator can help resolve the issue.

5. Faulty Water Pump: The water pump is responsible for circulating coolant through the engine. If it is not functioning properly, it can cause the engine to overheat. Replacing a faulty water pump can help resolve this issue.

If your Daihatsu Move Latte is experiencing overheating, it is important to address the issue promptly to prevent further damage to the engine. In some cases, overheating can cause significant damage to the engine, leading to costly repairs. Regular maintenance and inspections can help prevent overheating and ensure the long-term health of your car. If you are experiencing overheating, it is recommended to have your car inspected by a certified mechanic to identify the root cause of the issue and provide effective solutions to resolve it.

1.3. Oil Leaks

Oil leaks can be a common issue with the Daihatsu Move Latte, and can cause a range of problems if left unaddressed. Here are some potential reasons why your Daihatsu Move Latte may be experiencing oil leaks:

1. Damaged or Worn Gaskets: The gaskets in your car's engine are responsible for preventing oil from leaking out. If these gaskets become damaged or worn over time, they can cause oil leaks. Common gaskets that may be responsible for oil leaks include the valve cover gasket, oil pan gasket, and head gasket.

2. Damaged or Worn Seals: Like gaskets, seals in the engine can also become damaged or worn over time, leading to oil leaks. Common seals that may be responsible for oil leaks include the rear main seal, front crankshaft seal, and camshaft seals.

3. Loose or Damaged Oil Drain Plug: The oil drain plug is responsible for keeping oil contained in the oil pan. If the drain plug becomes loose or damaged, it can cause oil to leak out of the pan.

4. Cracked or Damaged Oil Pan: The oil pan is responsible for holding the engine's oil. If the pan becomes cracked or damaged, it can cause oil to leak out.

5. Overfilled Oil: Overfilling the engine with oil can cause excess pressure and result in oil leaks. It is important to follow the manufacturer's recommended oil levels to avoid this issue.

If you are experiencing oil leaks with your Daihatsu Move Latte, it is important to address the issue promptly to prevent damage to the engine and avoid potential safety hazards. Oil leaks can lead to a range of issues, including engine damage and decreased performance. Regular maintenance and inspections can help prevent oil leaks from occurring, and prompt repairs can help resolve the issue before it becomes more severe. If you are experiencing oil leaks, it is recommended to have your car inspected by a certified mechanic to identify the root cause of the issue and provide effective solutions to resolve it.

2. Transmission Issues

2.1. Jerky or Sluggish Shifting

Jerky or sluggish shifting can be a frustrating issue with the Daihatsu Move Latte, and can cause a range of problems if left unaddressed. Here are some potential reasons why your Daihatsu Move Latte may be experiencing jerky or sluggish shifting:

1. Low Transmission Fluid: One of the most common causes of jerky or sluggish shifting is low transmission fluid. If the fluid levels are low, it can cause the transmission to operate poorly and cause shifting issues.

2. Dirty or Clogged Transmission Filter: The transmission filter is responsible for filtering out debris and contaminants from the fluid. If the filter becomes dirty or clogged, it can restrict the flow of fluid and cause shifting issues.

3. Worn Clutch or Bands: Over time, the clutch and bands in the transmission can become worn, causing them to slip or not engage properly. This can cause shifting issues and affect the overall performance of the vehicle.

4. Faulty Shift Solenoids: The shift solenoids are responsible for controlling the flow of fluid through the transmission. If the solenoids become faulty or fail, they can cause jerky or sluggish shifting.

5. Electronic Control Module (ECM) Issues: The ECM is responsible for controlling the transmission and other systems in the vehicle. If the ECM is not functioning properly, it can cause shifting issues and other performance problems.

If you are experiencing jerky or sluggish shifting with your Daihatsu Move Latte, it is important to address the issue promptly to prevent further damage to the transmission and avoid potential safety hazards. Regular maintenance and inspections can help prevent transmission issues from occurring, and prompt repairs can help resolve the issue before it becomes more severe. If you are experiencing shifting issues, it is recommended to have your car inspected by a certified mechanic to identify the root cause of the issue and provide effective solutions to resolve it.

2.2. Transmission Slipping

Transmission slipping is a common issue with the Daihatsu Move Latte, and can be caused by a number of factors. Here are some potential reasons why your Daihatsu Move Latte may be experiencing transmission slipping:

1. Low Transmission Fluid: Just like with jerky or sluggish shifting, low transmission fluid levels can cause slipping in the transmission. If the fluid levels are low, it can cause the transmission to operate poorly and slip out of gear.

2. Worn Clutch or Bands: The clutch and bands in the transmission can become worn over time, which can cause them to slip or not engage properly. This can cause the transmission to slip out of gear and affect the overall performance of the vehicle.

3. Faulty Torque Converter: The torque converter is responsible for transferring power from the engine to the transmission. If the torque converter becomes faulty or fails, it can cause the transmission to slip and not engage properly.

4. Electronic Control Module (ECM) Issues: As mentioned previously, the ECM controls the transmission and other systems in the vehicle. If the ECM is not functioning properly, it can cause the transmission to slip and not engage properly.

5. Overheating: Overheating can cause damage to the transmission and other systems in the vehicle. If the transmission becomes too hot, it can cause the fluid to break down and lead to slipping.

If you are experiencing transmission slipping with your Daihatsu Move Latte, it is important to address the issue promptly to prevent further damage to the transmission and avoid potential safety hazards. Regular maintenance and inspections can help prevent transmission issues from occurring, and prompt repairs can help resolve the issue before it becomes more severe. If you are experiencing slipping or other transmission issues, it is recommended to have your car inspected by a certified mechanic to identify the root cause of the issue and provide effective solutions to resolve it.

2.3. Grinding or Whining Noise

If you hear a grinding or whining noise coming from your Daihatsu Move Latte's transmission, it is likely a sign of transmission issues that should be addressed promptly. Here are some possible reasons why your vehicle may be making these noises:

1. Low Transmission Fluid: Low levels of transmission fluid can cause grinding or whining noises in the transmission. This occurs because the lack of fluid causes the transmission to run dry, resulting in metal parts rubbing together and causing noise.

2. Worn Gears: Over time, the gears in the transmission can become worn and damaged, causing them to grind against each other and create a whining noise. This can be caused by a lack of regular maintenance or rough driving conditions.

3. Faulty Bearings: The bearings in the transmission can become worn or damaged, which can also cause grinding or whining noises. This is usually caused by lack of lubrication, which can occur due to low fluid levels or old, contaminated fluid.

4. Transmission Synchronizer Issues: The synchronizer in the transmission is responsible for matching the speed of the gears to ensure a smooth shift. If the synchronizer is worn or damaged, it can cause grinding or whining noises during gear shifts.

5. Damaged Transmission Mounts: The transmission mounts help to support and stabilize the transmission. If the mounts become damaged, it can cause the transmission to vibrate or move around, resulting in grinding or whining noises.

If you hear grinding or whining noises coming from your Daihatsu Move Latte's transmission, it is recommended to have it inspected by a certified mechanic as soon as possible. Delaying repairs can result in more severe damage to the transmission, which can be more expensive to repair. Regular maintenance and inspections can help prevent transmission issues from occurring, and prompt repairs can help resolve the issue before it becomes more severe.

3. Electrical Issues

3.1. Dead Battery

A dead battery can be a frustrating and inconvenient issue to deal with in any vehicle, including the Daihatsu Move Latte. Here are some possible reasons why your vehicle's battery may be dead:

1. Battery Age: Car batteries have a limited lifespan, typically around 3-5 years. If your Daihatsu Move Latte's battery is approaching the end of its lifespan, it may not hold a charge as well and can become drained more easily.

2. Electrical Issues: If there is an electrical issue in your vehicle, such as a faulty alternator, it can cause the battery to become drained. The alternator is responsible for charging the battery while the vehicle is running, so if it is not functioning properly, it can cause the battery to lose its charge.

3. Leaving Accessories On: Leaving accessories like the radio, lights, or charging ports on for extended periods of time without the vehicle running can drain the battery.

4. Parasitic Draw: A parasitic draw occurs when there is a small electrical load on the battery even when the vehicle is turned off. This can be caused by a faulty component, such as a light or relay, that remains on even when it should be off.

5. Extreme Temperatures: Extreme temperatures can affect the performance of the battery. In cold temperatures, the battery may not be able to generate enough power to start the engine, while in hot temperatures, the battery may lose its charge more quickly.

To prevent a dead battery, it's important to regularly inspect the battery for signs of corrosion and check its voltage levels. It's also important to turn off all accessories when the vehicle is turned off, and to have any electrical issues promptly addressed by a certified mechanic. If your Daihatsu Move Latte's battery does become dead, a jump start or replacement battery may be necessary to get the vehicle up and running again.

3.2. Electrical Shorts

Electrical shorts can be a frustrating and potentially dangerous issue in any vehicle, including the Daihatsu Move Latte. Electrical shorts occur when a circuit in the vehicle's electrical system becomes compromised, causing electricity to flow where it shouldn't, potentially leading to a range of issues.

In the Daihatsu Move Latte, electrical shorts can cause a variety of symptoms, including blown fuses, malfunctioning lights, and even difficulty starting the vehicle. Identifying the source of an electrical short can be a challenge, as there are a number of potential causes. These can include damaged wiring, malfunctioning switches or relays, or even faulty components such as alternators or starters.

One common cause of electrical shorts in the Daihatsu Move Latte is corrosion or damage to the vehicle's wiring. Over time, exposure to the elements and other factors can cause wiring to deteriorate, leading to short circuits. Additionally, damage to switches or relays, which control various functions within the vehicle, can cause electrical shorts.

Another potential cause of electrical shorts is faulty components, such as a malfunctioning alternator or starter. These components are responsible for generating and distributing electricity throughout the vehicle, and if they begin to fail, they can cause a variety of electrical issues.

If you suspect an electrical short in your Daihatsu Move Latte, it is important to have it diagnosed and repaired by a qualified technician. Attempting to repair electrical issues on your own can be dangerous and can potentially cause more harm than good. A technician will be able to use specialized diagnostic equipment to pinpoint the source of the short and make the necessary repairs to ensure your vehicle is safe and reliable.

3.3. Malfunctioning Dashboard Lights

One of the common electrical issues that you may encounter with your Daihatsu Move Latte is malfunctioning dashboard lights. These are the lights that indicate different functions or warnings on the dashboard, such as the check engine light, oil pressure light, and battery light, among others.

If you notice that the dashboard lights are not working properly or are not turning on at all, there may be an issue with the electrical system. The cause of this problem could be a blown fuse, a faulty wiring connection, or a malfunctioning instrument cluster.

A blown fuse is one of the most common causes of malfunctioning dashboard lights. If a fuse is blown, it will cause the corresponding dashboard light to stop working. Checking the fuses is a simple process and can be done by locating the fuse box and checking the fuses with a test light or a multimeter.

Another possible cause of dashboard lights not working is a faulty wiring connection. If the wiring connection to the instrument cluster is loose or damaged, it can cause the dashboard lights to flicker or not work at all. You may need to inspect the wiring connections and repair or replace them as needed.

If the above solutions do not fix the issue, it may be due to a malfunctioning instrument cluster. In this case, you may need to take your vehicle to a qualified mechanic or dealer to diagnose and repair the issue.

In any case, malfunctioning dashboard lights can be a safety issue, as it may indicate a problem with your vehicle that needs attention. It is essential to have this issue addressed promptly to avoid any further problems with your vehicle.

Regular maintenance and inspections of the electrical system of your Daihatsu Move Latte can help prevent electrical issues from occurring. If you notice any signs of electrical problems, such as dimming headlights, a dead battery, or other unusual behavior, it is recommended to have your vehicle inspected by a qualified mechanic to diagnose and repair the issue.

4. Suspension and Steering Issues

4.1. Vibrations or Shaking

Vibrations or shaking in the Daihatsu Move Latte can be a sign of suspension and steering issues. One possible cause of this problem is worn out or damaged suspension components, such as shocks, struts, or bushings. These parts help absorb shock and maintain stability while driving, so if they are damaged or worn out, the car may vibrate or shake. Another possible cause is misaligned wheels, which can cause the car to pull to one side or the other and vibrate.

In some cases, the issue may be related to the steering components, such as the tie rod ends or the steering rack. Worn or damaged steering components can cause vibrations or shaking in the steering wheel, especially when driving at higher speeds. Additionally, worn or damaged CV joints can also cause vibrations or shaking, especially during acceleration.

To diagnose the cause of the vibrations or shaking, it's important to have a professional inspection of the suspension, steering, and drivetrain components. The inspection should include a thorough examination of the shocks, struts, bushings, tie rod ends, steering rack, and CV joints, as well as a check of the wheel alignment. Based on the results of the inspection, the necessary repairs or replacements can be determined. This may include replacing damaged or worn out suspension or steering components, realigning the wheels, or replacing the CV joints.

Regular maintenance can help prevent suspension and steering issues from developing. This includes regular inspections and replacements of worn out or damaged components, as well as ensuring proper wheel alignment. If you notice any vibrations or shaking in your Daihatsu Move Latte, it's important to have it inspected by a professional as soon as possible to prevent further damage and ensure your safety on the road.

4.2. Squeaking or Clunking Noises

Squeaking or clunking noises in the suspension and steering system of a Daihatsu Move Latte can be indicative of several potential issues.

One possible cause of squeaking noises is worn out or damaged suspension components such as bushings, ball joints, or sway bar links. These parts may begin to make noise as they become worn, and can eventually fail if not replaced in a timely manner.

Another potential cause of squeaking or clunking noises is a problem with the steering system. Loose or worn steering components such as tie rod ends or rack and pinion units can cause noise as they move around.

If the noises occur when driving over bumps or while turning, it could be due to worn out shocks or struts. These components help to absorb the impact of bumps and uneven road surfaces and can begin to make noise when they are worn out.

It is important to have any suspension or steering issues addressed as soon as possible, as these systems are critical for safe vehicle operation. A qualified mechanic can diagnose the cause of the noises and recommend the appropriate repairs, which may include replacing worn out components or adjusting the alignment.

4.3. Steering Wheel Misalignment

Steering wheel misalignment can be a common issue in the Daihatsu Move Latte. If the steering wheel is not straight while driving, it can cause discomfort and difficulty in handling the vehicle. There are several reasons why the steering wheel may become misaligned.

One common reason is a problem with the suspension system, particularly with the alignment of the wheels. If the wheels are not aligned properly, it can cause the steering wheel to be off-center. This can happen due to worn or damaged suspension components, such as ball joints or tie rod ends.

Another cause of steering wheel misalignment can be related to the power steering system. If there is a leak in the power steering system or the power steering pump is malfunctioning, it can cause the steering wheel to become misaligned.

It is important to get the steering wheel misalignment checked and repaired by a qualified mechanic. Ignoring this issue can lead to further problems with the suspension and steering systems, as well as potential safety hazards while driving.

5. Braking Issues

5.1. Brake Noise

Brakes are an essential safety feature of any vehicle, and it's important to keep them in good working condition. The Daihatsu Move Latte may experience some braking issues, such as noise, which can be caused by various factors.

One of the most common causes of brake noise is worn-out brake pads. When the pads become too thin, the metal backing plates will come into contact with the rotor, causing a squealing or grinding noise. This is a sign that the pads need to be replaced.

Another cause of brake noise could be a warped rotor. A rotor can become warped due to excessive heat or wear and tear, causing a vibration or pulsation when the brakes are applied. In this case, the rotor may need to be replaced or resurfaced.

A loose or worn-out brake caliper can also cause noise. The caliper is responsible for pressing the brake pads against the rotor, and if it's not functioning properly, it can cause uneven wear on the pads and rotor. This can lead to a grinding or scraping noise when the brakes are applied.

Finally, a lack of lubrication on the brake pads or calipers can also cause noise. The pads and calipers need to be properly lubricated to reduce friction and ensure smooth operation. Without proper lubrication, the brakes may make a squeaking or grinding noise.

If you're experiencing brake noise in your Daihatsu Move Latte, it's important to have it checked by a qualified mechanic. They can diagnose the cause of the noise and suggest the necessary repairs to keep your vehicle safe on the road.

5.2. Brake Fluid Leaks

The brake system is one of the most important safety features of any vehicle, and the Daihatsu Move Latte is no exception. If you notice that the brake pedal feels spongy or goes all the way to the floor, or if you hear a hissing noise when you press the brakes, you may have a brake fluid leak.

Brake fluid leaks can occur for several reasons, including damaged brake lines, a faulty brake master cylinder, or corroded brake calipers. If the brake fluid level gets too low, it can cause the brakes to fail, so it's important to address any leaks as soon as possible.

In addition to the obvious safety concerns, brake fluid leaks can also damage other parts of the vehicle. Brake fluid is corrosive, so if it leaks onto the paint or other components, it can cause rust or other damage.

If you suspect that your Daihatsu Move Latte has a brake fluid leak, it's important to have it inspected by a qualified mechanic as soon as possible. They can diagnose the source of the leak and replace any damaged parts. It's also important to have the brake system bled and refilled with new brake fluid to ensure that it's working properly.

Regular maintenance can help prevent brake fluid leaks from occurring in the first place. This includes having the brake system inspected at least once a year, and replacing any worn or damaged brake components as needed. By taking care of your brake system, you can help ensure the safety and reliability of your Daihatsu Move Latte.

5.3. Brake Pedal Issues

The braking system of a vehicle is one of its most important safety features, and any issues with the brake pedal can compromise the ability to bring the vehicle to a stop in a timely and safe manner. The Daihatsu Move Latte may experience issues with the brake pedal that require attention to ensure proper functioning of the braking system.

One common issue with the brake pedal is a soft or spongy feel, where the pedal doesn't offer a firm response when pressed. This can indicate air in the brake lines, which can be bled out to restore proper pedal feel. Another possible cause of a soft pedal is a worn or damaged brake master cylinder, which may need to be replaced.

Another potential issue with the brake pedal is a pedal that feels hard or unresponsive, where it requires excessive force to bring the vehicle to a stop. This can be caused by a malfunctioning brake booster, which may need to be replaced. In some cases, a hard brake pedal can also be caused by a malfunctioning brake caliper, which may not be releasing properly and causing the brakes to drag.

In some instances, the brake pedal may vibrate or pulsate when pressed, which can indicate warped or uneven brake rotors. This issue can typically be resolved by having the rotors resurfaced or replaced. Additionally, if the brake pedal is slow to return to its normal position after being pressed, this can indicate a problem with the brake return springs or other components in the braking system.

It's important to have any issues with the brake pedal of a Daihatsu Move Latte diagnosed and repaired as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the vehicle and its occupants. Any changes in brake pedal feel or response should be investigated by a qualified mechanic to identify the root cause of the issue and implement the appropriate repair solution.

6. Other Issues

6.1. Exhaust System Issues

The exhaust system in a Daihatsu Move Latte is responsible for directing the harmful gases produced during the combustion process out of the vehicle. Issues with the exhaust system can lead to reduced fuel efficiency, decreased engine performance, and even dangerous carbon monoxide buildup in the passenger compartment.

One common issue with the exhaust system is rust or corrosion, which can cause holes or cracks in the pipes, muffler, or other components. This can result in a loud rumbling noise and decreased fuel efficiency due to air leaks in the system.

Another potential problem is a faulty catalytic converter, which converts harmful gases into less harmful ones before they are released into the atmosphere. A failing catalytic converter can cause decreased engine performance and increased emissions, and may even trigger the check engine light on the dashboard.

Exhaust leaks can also occur at the connection points between the different components of the exhaust system, such as the manifold, pipes, and muffler. This can cause a hissing or popping noise, as well as a noticeable decrease in engine performance.

Finally, the oxygen sensor in the exhaust system is responsible for monitoring the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gases and adjusting the fuel-to-air ratio accordingly. A faulty oxygen sensor can cause the engine to run too rich or too lean, resulting in decreased performance and increased emissions.

It is important to have any issues with the exhaust system promptly addressed by a qualified mechanic to ensure the safety and optimal performance of the vehicle.

6.2. Fuel System Issues

The fuel system is responsible for delivering fuel to the engine of a Daihatsu Move Latte, making it an essential component for the vehicle's performance. Fuel system issues can lead to a range of problems, such as reduced fuel efficiency, power loss, and engine damage. One of the most common fuel system issues is a clogged fuel filter, which can restrict the flow of fuel to the engine and cause it to run poorly. A clogged fuel filter may also cause the engine to stall or hesitate during acceleration.

Another common fuel system issue is a faulty fuel pump. A fuel pump is responsible for pumping fuel from the tank to the engine, and a malfunctioning fuel pump can result in engine misfires, stalling, and a lack of power. Other symptoms of a faulty fuel pump include difficulty starting the engine, decreased fuel efficiency, and a whining noise coming from the fuel tank.

Fuel injectors are another important component of the fuel system. These injectors are responsible for delivering the fuel to the engine's cylinders, and if they become clogged or malfunction, they can cause a range of issues, such as rough idling, engine misfires, and decreased fuel efficiency. Fuel injectors can also become damaged due to poor quality fuel, which may contain debris or contaminants that can cause them to clog.

Finally, a leak in the fuel system can also cause problems for the Daihatsu Move Latte. Fuel leaks can occur at any point in the fuel system, from the fuel tank to the fuel lines and fuel injectors. These leaks can cause a range of issues, including fuel odors, decreased fuel efficiency, and even fire hazards in extreme cases. It's important to have any fuel leaks addressed immediately by a qualified mechanic to avoid potentially dangerous situations.

6.3. Air Conditioning Issues

Air conditioning issues can be frustrating, especially during hot weather. The Daihatsu Move Latte's AC system can experience various problems, such as insufficient cooling, strange noises, and bad odors. One common issue is a refrigerant leak, which can lead to reduced cooling efficiency. This problem requires professional diagnosis and repair by an experienced technician.

Another common problem is a malfunctioning compressor, which can lead to unusual noises and a lack of cold air. The compressor is responsible for circulating refrigerant throughout the system, so any issues with it can cause problems with the entire AC system. Regular maintenance of the AC system can help prevent these issues, such as checking the compressor for proper functioning.

Additionally, mold and bacteria can accumulate in the AC system over time, leading to bad odors and potential health risks. Regular cleaning and disinfecting of the AC system can help prevent these issues. Sometimes, a clogged cabin air filter can also cause problems with the AC system. Therefore, regular inspection and replacement of the cabin air filter can help maintain the AC system's performance.

7. Common Issues by Model Year and Generation

7.1. First Generation (1998-2002)

The first generation Daihatsu Move Latte was produced from 1998 to 2002. During its production, the model faced several issues that owners should be aware of.

One common issue reported by owners of the first generation Daihatsu Move Latte was related to the vehicle's transmission. Some owners experienced jerky or sluggish shifting, which could indicate a problem with the transmission fluid or the transmission itself.

Another issue reported by owners was related to the vehicle's suspension and steering. Some owners experienced vibrations or shaking while driving, which could indicate problems with the suspension components or wheel alignment. Additionally, squeaking or clunking noises from the suspension or steering system were also reported by some owners.

Owners of the first generation Daihatsu Move Latte also reported issues related to the vehicle's brakes. Some owners experienced brake noise, which could indicate worn brake pads or rotor damage. Brake fluid leaks were also reported by some owners, which could lead to brake failure if not addressed promptly. In some cases, owners also reported issues with the brake pedal, such as excessive travel or a soft feel.

Other issues reported by owners of the first generation Daihatsu Move Latte included problems with the fuel system, such as poor fuel economy or difficulty starting the engine. Air conditioning issues were also reported by some owners, with some experiencing weak or non-functional air conditioning.

Overall, owners of the first generation Daihatsu Move Latte should be aware of these common issues and take steps to address them promptly to ensure their vehicle remains safe and reliable. Regular maintenance and inspection can help identify and address any potential problems before they become more serious issues.

7.2. Second Generation (2002-2006)

The Daihatsu Move Latte second generation was produced from 2002 to 2006. This model was an improvement over the first generation and had better performance and features. However, like any other vehicle, it had some common issues reported by its users.

One of the main issues reported with the second generation Daihatsu Move Latte was the engine oil consumption. Some users reported that the engine oil level dropped quickly after adding new oil. This issue was mainly attributed to the engine oil rings, which would wear out quickly and fail to seal properly, causing oil to leak into the combustion chamber and burn out.

Another common issue with the second-generation Daihatsu Move Latte was the faulty air conditioning system. Some users reported that the air conditioning would stop working or blow warm air, especially during hot weather. This issue was mainly caused by the clogging of the air conditioning system, which would result in reduced airflow and cooling performance.

The transmission system was also another reported issue with the second-generation Daihatsu Move Latte. Some users reported experiencing transmission slipping, which would cause the car to hesitate or jerk when changing gears. This issue was mainly caused by worn-out transmission components or low transmission fluid levels.

Additionally, some users reported issues with the suspension system, particularly with the shock absorbers. The shock absorbers would wear out quickly, resulting in excessive vibrations and a bumpy ride.

Overall, the second-generation Daihatsu Move Latte had its fair share of issues, but most of them were fixable with proper maintenance and regular servicing. It is important to have any issues with the car checked and fixed promptly to avoid further damage and ensure the safety of the vehicle and its passengers.

7.3. Third Generation (2006-2010)

The third generation Daihatsu Move Latte was produced between 2006 and 2010. This generation saw several improvements in terms of features and design over its predecessor. However, there were still some common issues reported by owners.

One common issue was related to the engine, specifically the timing chain. Some owners reported that the timing chain needed to be replaced prematurely, which can be a costly repair. Another engine-related issue was related to the spark plugs, with some owners reporting that they needed to be replaced more frequently than expected.

There were also some reports of issues with the suspension system. Some owners reported that their Move Latte had a tendency to bounce or sway on the road, which can be unsettling and potentially dangerous. This issue was sometimes attributed to problems with the shock absorbers or other suspension components.

Another common issue reported by owners of the third-generation Move Latte was related to the air conditioning system. Some owners reported that the air conditioning was not as effective as they expected, or that it stopped working entirely.

Finally, some owners reported issues with the power windows, specifically that they would become stuck or would not operate smoothly. This can be frustrating for owners and can require costly repairs.

It is worth noting that many owners of the third-generation Daihatsu Move Latte did not report any significant issues and were generally satisfied with their vehicles. However, these common issues should be taken into consideration when purchasing a used Move Latte from this generation.

7.4. Fourth Generation (2010-2014)

The fourth generation of the Daihatsu Move Latte was produced from 2010 to 2014. This generation of the Move Latte is known for its spacious interior and fuel efficiency. However, like any other car, it is not without its issues.

One of the common issues reported in this generation is a problem with the CVT transmission. The CVT transmission may fail or malfunction, resulting in difficulty shifting gears or hesitation during acceleration. Another issue reported is with the electrical system, specifically the battery. The battery may fail prematurely, requiring replacement earlier than expected.

Some owners also report issues with the engine, including oil leaks and excessive oil consumption. The engine may also produce unusual noises, indicating internal damage. Additionally, the suspension system may produce clunking or squeaking noises, which could be due to worn out suspension components or damaged struts.

Lastly, some owners have reported issues with the air conditioning system. The air conditioning may blow warm air, even when set to the coldest setting, or may fail to blow air altogether. These issues may be due to a faulty compressor or leaks in the refrigerant system.

It is important to note that while these issues have been reported by some owners, not all vehicles may experience them. Regular maintenance and timely repairs can help prevent and address these issues.

7.5. Fifth Generation (2014-2019)

The Daihatsu Move Latte's fifth generation was produced from 2014 to 2019, and it underwent several changes to improve its overall performance, fuel efficiency, and interior features. However, some common issues were still reported by owners during this generation.

One of the most common issues reported in the fifth generation of the Daihatsu Move Latte was related to the transmission. Some owners complained about a rough shifting of gears, particularly in low-speed conditions, and some even experienced complete transmission failure. This issue was typically resolved by replacing or repairing the transmission.

Another common issue reported by owners was related to the fuel system. Some reported issues with fuel leakage from the fuel tank or fuel lines, while others experienced problems with the fuel pump. These issues typically required replacement or repair of the affected components.

Some owners also reported issues with the air conditioning system, including weak air flow or complete failure of the system. This was often caused by a faulty compressor or refrigerant leak, and repairs typically involved replacement of the affected components.

Additionally, some owners reported issues with the suspension system, particularly with the front suspension struts. These issues typically resulted in a rough ride or noise while driving and required replacement of the affected components.

Overall, while the fifth generation of the Daihatsu Move Latte saw improvements in many areas, some common issues were still reported by owners, particularly related to the transmission, fuel system, air conditioning system, and suspension system.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, the Daihatsu Move Latte is a compact and reliable car with good fuel efficiency and maneuverability. However, like any other car, it is not immune to issues and problems that may arise over time. Some common issues across the different model years and generations of the Move Latte include engine and transmission problems, suspension and steering issues, braking issues, electrical issues, air conditioning issues, and fuel system issues. These issues range in severity and may require different levels of attention from simple maintenance tasks to more significant repairs. Regular maintenance and timely repairs can help ensure the longevity and optimal performance of the Daihatsu Move Latte.

Example List of Daihatsu Move Latte Engine Error Codes and Descriptions

Engine Code/NameEngine specs (l,fuel,hp)Part carError CodeDescription
KF-VE1.0L, gasoline, 68 hpEngineP0171System too lean
KF-VE1.0L, gasoline, 68 hpEngineP0174System too rich
KF-VE1.0L, gasoline, 68 hpEngineP0300Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected
KF-VE1.0L, gasoline, 68 hpEngineP0301Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected
KF-VE1.0L, gasoline, 68 hpEngineP0302Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected
KF-VE1.0L, gasoline, 68 hpEngineP0303Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected
KF-VE1.0L, gasoline, 68 hpEngineP0304Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected
KF-VE1.0L, gasoline, 68 hpEngineP0420Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold
KF-VE1.0L, gasoline, 68 hpEngineP0456Small EVAP Leak Detected
KF-VE1.0L, gasoline, 68 hpEngineP1300Ignition System Malfunction
K3-VE1.3L, gasoline, 94 hpEngineP0171System too lean
K3-VE1.3L, gasoline, 94 hpEngineP0174System too rich
K3-VE1.3L, gasoline, 94 hpEngineP0300Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected
K3-VE1.3L, gasoline, 94 hpEngineP0301Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected
K3-VE1.3L, gasoline, 94 hpEngineP0302Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected
K3-VE1.3L, gasoline, 94 hpEngineP0303Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected
K3-VE1.3L, gasoline, 94 hpEngineP0304Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected
K3-VE1.3L, gasoline, 94 hpEngineP0420Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold
K3-VE1.3L, gasoline, 94 hpEngineP0456Small EVAP Leak Detected
K9-VE1.5L, gasoline, 102 hpEngineP0171System too lean
K9-VE1.5L, gasoline, 102 hpEngineP0174System too rich
K9-VE1.5L, gasoline, 102 hpEngineP0300Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected
K9-VE1.5L, gasoline, 102 hpEngineP0301Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected
K9-VE1.5L, gasoline, 102 hpEngineP0302Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected
K9-VE1.5L, gasoline, 102 hpEngineP0303Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected
K9-VE1.5L, gasoline, 102 hpEngineP0304Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected
K9-VE1.5L, gasoline, 102 hpEngineP0420Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold
K9-VE1.5L, gasoline, 102 hpEngineP0456Small EVAP Leak Detected
K9-VE1.5L, gasoline, 102 hpEngineP1300Ignition System Malfunction
KF-DET1.5L, diesel, 68 hpEngineP0101Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Range/Performance Problem
KF-DET1.5L, diesel, 68 hpEngineP0102Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Low Input
KF-DET1.5L, diesel, 68 hpEngineP0103Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit High Input
KF-DET1.5L, diesel, 68 hpEngineP0400Exhaust Gas Recirculation Flow Malfunction
KF-DET1.5L, diesel, 68 hpEngineP0402Excessive Exhaust Gas Recirculation
KF-DET1.5L, diesel, 68 hpEngineP0404Exhaust Gas Recirculation Circuit Range/Performance
KF-DET1.5L, diesel, 68 hpEngineP0471Exhaust Pressure Sensor Range/Performance
KF-DET1.5L, diesel, 68 hpEngineP1335Crankshaft Position Sensor A Circuit
KF-DET1.5L, diesel, 68 hpEngineP1336Crankshaft Position Sensor A Circuit Range/Performance
K3-VE1.0L, gasoline, 67 hpEngineP0106Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Range/Performance Problem
K3-VE1.0L, gasoline, 67 hpEngineP0107Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Low Input
K3-VE1.0L, gasoline, 67 hpEngineP0108Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit High Input
K3-VE1.0L, gasoline, 67 hpEngineP0113Intake Air Temperature Circuit High Input
K3-VE1.0L, gasoline, 67 hpEngineP0116Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Range/Performance Problem
K3-VE1.0L, gasoline, 67 hpEngineP0117Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Low Input
K3-VE1.0L, gasoline, 67 hpEngineP0118Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit High Input
K3-VE1.0L, gasoline, 67 hpEngineP0120Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, gasoline, 67 hpEngineP0121Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit Range/Performance Problem
K3-VE1.0L, gasoline, 67 hpEngineP0122Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit Low Input
K3-VET1.2L, gasoline, 80 hpEngineP0100Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Malfunction
K3-VET1.2L, gasoline, 80 hpEngineP0101Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Range/Performance Problem
K3-VET1.2L, gasoline, 80 hpEngineP0102Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Low Input
K3-VET1.2L, gasoline, 80 hpEngineP0103Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit High Input
K3-VET1.2L, gasoline, 80 hpEngineP0112Intake Air Temperature Circuit Low Input
K3-VET1.2L, gasoline, 80 hpEngineP0113Intake Air Temperature Circuit High Input
K3-VET1.2L, gasoline, 80 hpEngineP0116Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Range/Performance Problem
K3-VET1.2L, gasoline, 80 hpEngineP0117Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Low Input
K3-VET1.2L, gasoline, 80 hpEngineP0118Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit High Input
K3-VET1.2L, gasoline, 80 hpEngineP0120Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit
K3-VE31.3L, gasoline, 90 hpEngineP0100Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Malfunction
K3-VE31.3L, gasoline, 90 hpEngineP0101Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Range/Performance Problem
K3-VE31.3L, gasoline, 90 hpEngineP0102Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Low Input
K3-VE31.3L, gasoline, 90 hpEngineP0103Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit High Input
K3-VE31.3L, gasoline, 90 hpEngineP0106Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Range/Performance Problem
K3-VE31.3L, gasoline, 90 hpEngineP0107Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Low Input
K3-VE31.3L, gasoline, 90 hpEngineP0108Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit High Input
K3-VE31.3L, gasoline, 90 hpEngineP0112Intake Air Temperature Circuit Low Input
K3-VE31.3L, gasoline, 90 hpEngineP0113Intake Air Temperature Circuit High Input
K3-VE31.3L, gasoline, 90 hpEngineP0116Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Range/Performance Problem
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0100Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Malfunction
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0101Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Range/Performance Problem
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0102Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Low Input
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0103Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit High Input
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0106Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Range/Performance Problem
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0107Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Low Input
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0108Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit High Input
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0112Intake Air Temperature Circuit Low Input
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0113Intake Air Temperature Circuit High Input
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0116Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Range/Performance Problem
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0118Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit High Input
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0121Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit Range/Performance Problem
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0122Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit Low Input
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0123Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit High Input
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0131Oxygen Sensor Circuit Low Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 1
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0132Oxygen Sensor Circuit High Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 1
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0151Oxygen Sensor Circuit Low Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 1
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0152Oxygen Sensor Circuit High Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 1
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0153Oxygen Sensor Circuit Slow Response Bank 2 Sensor 1
K9K1.5L, diesel, 80 hpEngineP0154Oxygen Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected Bank 2 Sensor 1
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0120Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit Malfunction
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0130Oxygen Sensor Circuit Malfunction Bank 1 Sensor 1
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0131Oxygen Sensor Circuit Low Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 1
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0132Oxygen Sensor Circuit High Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 1
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0133Oxygen Sensor Circuit Slow Response Bank 1 Sensor 1
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0134Oxygen Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected Bank 1 Sensor 1
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0135Oxygen Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction Bank 1 Sensor 1
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0136Oxygen Sensor Circuit Malfunction Bank 1 Sensor 2
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0139Oxygen Sensor Circuit Slow Response Bank 1 Sensor 2
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0140Oxygen Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected Bank 1 Sensor 2
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0141Oxygen Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction Bank 1 Sensor 2
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0150Oxygen Sensor Circuit Malfunction Bank 2 Sensor 1
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0151Oxygen Sensor Circuit Low Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 1
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0152Oxygen Sensor Circuit High Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 1
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0153Oxygen Sensor Circuit Slow Response Bank 2 Sensor 1
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0154Oxygen Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected Bank 2 Sensor 1
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0157Oxygen Sensor Circuit Low Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 2
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0158Oxygen Sensor Circuit High Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 2
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0159Oxygen Sensor Circuit Slow Response Bank 2 Sensor 2
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0160Oxygen Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected Bank 2 Sensor 2
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0161Oxygen Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction Bank 2 Sensor 2
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0171System Too Lean Bank 1
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0172System Too Rich Bank 1
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0174System Too Lean Bank 2
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0301Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0302Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0303Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0304Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0305Cylinder 5 Misfire Detected
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0306Cylinder 6 Misfire Detected
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0307Cylinder 7 Misfire Detected
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0308Cylinder 8 Misfire Detected
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0440Evaporative Emission Control System Malfunction
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0441Evaporative Emission Control System Incorrect Purge Flow
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0442Evaporative Emission Control System Leak Detected (small leak)
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0443Evaporative Emission Control System Purge Control Valve Circuit Malfunction
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0456Evaporative Emission Control System Leak Detected (very small leak)
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0457Evaporative Emission Control System Leak Detected (fuel cap loose/off)
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0500Vehicle Speed Sensor Malfunction
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0505Idle Control System Malfunction
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0602Control Module Programming Error
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0603Internal Control Module Keep Alive Memory (KAM) Error
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0604Internal Control Module Random Access Memory (RAM) Error
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0605Internal Control Module Read Only Memory (ROM) Error
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0606PCM Processor Fault
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0607Control Module Performance
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0608Control Module VSS Output A
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0609Control Module VSS Output B
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0612Fuel Injector Control Module Relay Control Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0613TCM Processor Performance
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0614Engine Control Module Immobilizer Control Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0615Starter Relay Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0616Starter Control Circuit Performance
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0617Starter Control Circuit Low
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0618Starter Control Circuit High
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0619Generator Control Circuit Performance
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0622Generator Field Control Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0623Generator Lamp "L" Terminal Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0624Fuel Pump "A" Control Circuit Low
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0625Fuel Pump "A" Control Circuit High
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0626Fuel Pump "B" Control Circuit Low
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0627Fuel Pump "B" Control Circuit High
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0628Fuel Pump Relay Control Circuit Low
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0629Fuel Pump Relay Control Circuit High
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0632Oxygen Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0633Oxygen Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0634Oxygen Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0635Oxygen Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0636Oxygen Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0637Oxygen Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0638Throttle Actuator Control Range/Performance
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0639Throttle Actuator Control Range/Performance
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0642Sensor Reference Voltage "A" Circuit Low
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0643Sensor Reference Voltage "A" Circuit High
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0644Engine Control Module (ECM) Power Input Signal
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0645A/C Clutch Relay Control Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0646Fuel Level Sensor "A" Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0647Fuel Level Sensor "A" Circuit Range/Performance
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0648Fuel Level Sensor "A" Circuit Low
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0649Fuel Level Sensor "A" Circuit High
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0652Sensor Reference Voltage "B" Circuit Low
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0653Sensor Reference Voltage "B" Circuit High
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0654Engine RPM Output Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0655Engine Hot Lamp Output Control Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0656Fuel Level Sensor "B" Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0657Fuel Level Sensor "B" Circuit Range/Performance
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0658Fuel Level Sensor "B" Circuit Low
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0659Fuel Level Sensor "B" Circuit High
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0662Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Control Circuit High
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0663Fuel Level Sensor Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0664Fuel Level Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0665Fuel Level Sensor Circuit Low
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0666Fuel Level Sensor Circuit High
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0667Sensor Reference Voltage "C" Circuit/Open
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0668Sensor Reference Voltage "C" Circuit Low
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0669Sensor Reference Voltage "C" Circuit High
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0672Cylinder 2 Glow Plug Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0673Cylinder 3 Glow Plug Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0674Cylinder 4 Glow Plug Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0675Cylinder 5 Glow Plug Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0676Cylinder 6 Glow Plug Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0677Cylinder 7 Glow Plug Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0678Cylinder 8 Glow Plug Circuit
K3-VE1.0L, petrol, 63 hpEngineP0679Glow Plug Control Module to PCM Communication Circuit
KF-VE1.3L, petrol, 94 hpEngineP0802Transmission Control System MIL Request Circuit
KF-VE1.3L, petrol, 94 hpEngineP08031-4 Upshift (Skip Shift) Solenoid Control Circuit
KF-VE1.3L, petrol, 94 hpEngineP08041-4 Upshift (Skip Shift) Lamp Control Circuit
KF-VE1.3L, petrol, 94 hpEngineP0805Clutch Position Sensor Circuit
KF-VE1.3L, petrol, 94 hpEngineP0806Clutch Position Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
KF-VE1.3L, petrol, 94 hpEngineP0807Clutch Position Sensor Circuit Low
KF-VE1.3L, petrol, 94 hpEngineP0808Clutch Position Sensor Circuit High
KF-VE1.3L, petrol, 94 hpEngineP0809Clutch Position Control Error
JB-DET1.5L, diesel, 63 hpEngineP1602Engine Control Module (ECM) - Communication Circuit
JB-DET1.5L, diesel, 63 hpEngineP1603Engine Control Module (ECM) - Internal Circuit
JB-DET1.5L, diesel, 63 hpEngineP1604Engine Control Module (ECM) - EEPROM Error
JB-DET1.5L, diesel, 63 hpEngineP1605Engine Control Module (ECM) - Real Time Clock Error
JB-DET1.5L, diesel, 63 hpEngineP1606Engine Control Module (ECM) - Power Supply Malfunction
JB-DET1.5L, diesel, 63 hpEngineP1607Engine Control Module (ECM) - Battery Power Off During Engine Running
JB-DET1.5L, diesel, 63 hpEngineP1608Engine Control Module (ECM) - Battery Voltage Low
JB-DET1.5L, diesel, 63 hpEngineP1609Engine Control Module (ECM) - Internal Engine Off Timer Performance

Frequently Asked Questions About Daihatsu Move Latte Issues

What are the common issues experienced with the Daihatsu Move Latte?

Some of the common issues experienced with the Daihatsu Move Latte include engine misfires, stalling, and oil leaks. These problems may vary depending on the model year, engine type, and trim level of the vehicle.

How can I prevent engine misfires in my Daihatsu Move Latte?

Regular maintenance and timely repairs can help prevent engine misfires in the Daihatsu Move Latte. It is also important to use high-quality engine fluids and perform regular inspections of engine components.

What causes engine stalling in the Daihatsu Move Latte?

Engine stalling in the Daihatsu Move Latte can be caused by a number of factors, including fuel system problems, electrical issues, and a dirty or clogged air filter. Regular maintenance and timely repairs can help prevent this problem.

What can cause oil leaks in the Daihatsu Move Latte?

Oil leaks in the Daihatsu Move Latte can be caused by worn or damaged seals and gaskets, a damaged oil pan, or an overfilled engine oil level. Regular inspections and timely repairs can help prevent oil leaks.

How can I maintain the reliability of my Daihatsu Move Latte?

Regular maintenance and timely repairs are essential for maintaining the reliability of the Daihatsu Move Latte. It is also important to use high-quality engine fluids, perform regular inspections of engine components and systems, and rotate and align your tires regularly.

What should I do if I experience a problem with my Daihatsu Move Latte?

If you experience a problem with your Daihatsu Move Latte, it is important to have it inspected and repaired as soon as possible. Contact a qualified mechanic or a Daihatsu dealership for diagnosis and repair. Regular maintenance and timely repairs can help prevent problems and maintain the reliability of your vehicle.

What are the common problems with the Daihatsu Move Latte?

Some common problems with the Daihatsu Move Latte include engine misfires, engine stalling, and engine oil leaks. Other issues reported by owners include problems with the transmission, suspension, and brakes.

Are these problems model-specific or year-specific?

Some of the issues with the Daihatsu Move Latte may be model-specific or year-specific, while others may be related to the particular engine or transmission used in the vehicle. It is important to consult with a qualified mechanic or the Daihatsu dealership for specific information on any problems that you may be experiencing.

What is the cause of engine misfires in the Daihatsu Move Latte?

Engine misfires can be caused by a number of factors, including faulty spark plugs, a clogged air filter, a dirty fuel injector, or a malfunctioning ignition coil. Other potential causes include a vacuum leak, a weak battery, or a faulty fuel pump.

What is the cause of engine stalling in the Daihatsu Move Latte?

Engine stalling can be caused by a variety of factors, including a clogged air filter, a dirty fuel injector, or a weak battery. Other potential causes include a malfunctioning ignition coil, a vacuum leak, or a faulty fuel pump.

What are the common causes of engine oil leaks in the Daihatsu Move Latte?

Engine oil leaks can be caused by a number of factors, including worn or damaged engine seals, gaskets, or oil pans, or a damaged oil pump. Other potential causes include a faulty valve cover gasket, a damaged oil cooler, or a damaged oil filter housing.

Is it possible to prevent these problems from occurring in the Daihatsu Move Latte?

Yes, many of the problems with the Daihatsu Move Latte can be prevented through regular maintenance and timely repairs. This includes regularly changing the oil and other engine fluids, inspecting engine components and systems, rotating and aligning tires, and repairing any issues that arise as soon as they are detected.

Where can I get more information on these problems with the Daihatsu Move Latte?

For more information on these and other problems with the Daihatsu Move Latte, you can consult with a qualified mechanic or the Daihatsu dealership. They will be able to provide you with specific information on the problems that you are experiencing and help you find the best solution to resolve these issues.

What are common issues with the Daihatsu Move Latte engine?

Some of the most common engine-related issues with the Daihatsu Move Latte include misfires, stalling, and oil leaks. These issues can be caused by a variety of factors, such as faulty spark plugs, clogged fuel injectors, or worn engine seals. It's important to address these issues promptly to prevent further damage to the engine and ensure smooth operation.

What are the symptoms of an engine misfire in a Daihatsu Move Latte?

Some signs of an engine misfire in a Daihatsu Move Latte include rough idling, shaking or vibration while driving, a decrease in power and acceleration, and a decrease in fuel efficiency. If you experience any of these symptoms, it's important to have the engine checked by a qualified mechanic as soon as possible.

What causes engine stalling in a Daihatsu Move Latte?

Engine stalling in a Daihatsu Move Latte can be caused by a number of factors, including a faulty fuel pump, a clogged air filter, a faulty ignition system, or a vacuum leak in the engine. It's important to have the engine inspected by a qualified mechanic if you experience stalling, as it can be a sign of a more serious issue that needs to be addressed.

How can I prevent oil leaks in my Daihatsu Move Latte?

To prevent oil leaks in your Daihatsu Move Latte, it's important to perform regular maintenance, including regular oil changes, and to have any leaks promptly repaired by a qualified mechanic. Additionally, using high-quality oil and other engine fluids can help reduce the risk of leaks by improving the overall health and performance of the engine.

What are some tips for preventing issues with my Daihatsu Move Latte?

Some tips for preventing issues with your Daihatsu Move Latte include performing regular maintenance, using high-quality oil and other engine fluids, and having any issues repaired promptly. Additionally, regular inspections of engine components and systems, as well as regular tire rotation and alignment, can help prevent problems and keep your Daihatsu Move Latte running smoothly.

What are some of the common engine problems that can occur with the Daihatsu Move Latte?

Some of the common engine problems that can occur with the Daihatsu Move Latte include engine misfires, stalling, and oil leaks. Engine misfires can be caused by issues with the spark plugs, ignition coils, fuel injectors, or other engine components. Engine stalling can be caused by issues with the fuel system, air intake, or other parts of the engine. Engine oil leaks can be caused by worn or damaged engine seals, gaskets, or oil pans.

How can I prevent engine problems with my Daihatsu Move Latte?

To prevent engine problems with your Daihatsu Move Latte, it is important to perform regular maintenance and use high-quality engine fluids. It is also important to regularly inspect the engine components and systems, and make any necessary repairs in a timely manner. Other tips for preventing engine problems include making sure the engine is adequately lubricated, and avoiding overloading the engine.

Are there any particular engine issues that are more common in certain model years or trim levels of the Daihatsu Move Latte?

Some engine issues may be more common in certain model years or trim levels of the Daihatsu Move Latte, depending on the specific engine components and systems that are used. For example, engine misfires may be more common in certain model years that use specific spark plug or ignition coil designs. It is important to consult with a qualified mechanic or service technician to determine if there are any known issues with your particular model year or trim level of the Daihatsu Move Latte.

What can cause the engine to stall while driving the Daihatsu Move Latte?

Engine stalling while driving the Daihatsu Move Latte can be caused by a variety of factors, including issues with the fuel system, air intake, or other parts of the engine. Other potential causes of engine stalling include a dirty air filter, a clogged fuel injector, or a malfunctioning sensor. To determine the cause of engine stalling, it is important to have the engine diagnosed by a qualified mechanic or service technician.

What should I do if I notice an oil leak in my Daihatsu Move Latte?

If you notice an oil leak in your Daihatsu Move Latte, it is important to have the issue inspected and repaired by a qualified mechanic or service technician as soon as possible. Engine oil leaks can cause damage to other engine components and systems, and can also lead to engine failure if not addressed promptly. Some common causes of oil leaks include worn or damaged engine seals, gaskets, or oil pans. To prevent oil leaks, it is important to regularly inspect the engine and make any necessary repairs.

How can I fix engine oil leaks in my Daihatsu Move Latte?

The first step in fixing engine oil leaks in your Daihatsu Move Latte is to identify the source of the leak. This can be done by visual inspection or by using a special leak detection fluid. Once the source of the leak has been identified, it can be fixed with a new oil pan gasket, oil cooler gasket, or oil pressure switch gasket, depending on the specific location of the leak. If the leak is severe, you may need to replace the entire oil pan or oil cooler.

What are some common causes of engine misfires in the Daihatsu Move Latte?

Engine misfires in the Daihatsu Move Latte can be caused by a variety of factors, including a malfunctioning ignition system, a dirty fuel injector, a clogged air filter, or a faulty spark plug. In some cases, engine misfires can also be caused by a worn or damaged engine component, such as a worn camshaft or worn valve springs. To fix an engine misfire, you will need to diagnose the specific cause and replace the faulty component.

What should I do if my Daihatsu Move Latte is stalling frequently?

If your Daihatsu Move Latte is stalling frequently, it could be due to a variety of factors, including a dirty air filter, a clogged fuel filter, a malfunctioning throttle position sensor, or a faulty idle air control valve. To fix a stalling issue, you will need to diagnose the specific cause and replace the faulty component. In some cases, you may also need to have your engine's computer system re-calibrated or reprogrammed.

How important is regular maintenance for preventing problems with my Daihatsu Move Latte?

Regular maintenance is extremely important for preventing problems with your Daihatsu Move Latte. Regular oil changes, tire rotations, and alignments can help keep your vehicle running smoothly and prevent costly repairs. Regular inspections of your engine components and systems can help you identify any issues early on and make the necessary repairs before they become bigger problems. Failing to perform regular maintenance on your Daihatsu Move Latte can result in a decrease in fuel efficiency and performance, as well as an increase in the likelihood of costly repairs.

Brian Wong - Senior Reviews Editor of

Brian Wong / Author

Brian Wong is an accomplished automotive journalist and editor with a passion for cars. With over a decade of experience in the industry, he has established himself as a trusted voice in the automotive community. Brian has written extensively about a wide range of topics in the field, from the latest trends in car design to innovative safety features and emerging technologies. As a senior reviews editor, he is responsible for test driving and analyzing the latest cars on the market, providing readers with accurate and objective reviews. His articles are widely read and respected for their depth of knowledge and analysis. Brian is committed to staying at the forefront of the latest developments in the automotive industry, and is dedicated to sharing his expertise and insights with his readers.

Updated on April 18, 2024