2004 toyota passo
2004 toyota passo
2004 toyota passo
2004 toyota passo
2004 toyota passo
More photos Toyota Passo

2004 Toyota Passo cars is knoking when ac on and not run as without ac problems in Bangladesh

Report a Problem

Date:April 9, 2012, 7:31 am
Name:SM Zahid mIa
Location:Bangladesh, Dhaka, Dhaka
Vehicle:Toyota Passo
Problems:Car is knoking on AC and not run same as without AC. And engine sound not good.Speed never goes 50up.
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Suggest a Solution

July 27, 2015, 8:29 am  from: Muhammad Haroon Idrees
You have to wash your gear oil filter and gear oil and must check the gear valve in them.. And you also have to replace your catalytic converter filter or exhaust manifold and also need a proper tunning and proper throttle body Service not a carburetor cleaner..thanks.. And also check your car's cooling system..
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Updated on June 3, 2024