2005 toyota corolla fielder
2005 toyota corolla fielder
2005 toyota corolla fielder
2005 toyota corolla fielder
2005 toyota corolla fielder
More photos Toyota Corolla Fielder

2005 Toyota Corolla Fielder drop of rpm problems in Bangladesh

Report a Problem

Date:May 25, 2010, 7:51 pm
Location:Bangladesh, dhaka, dhaka
Vehicle:Toyota Corolla Fielder
Modification:g edition
General comments:other then i loved to drive this car
Problems:my car race drops and the whole car shakes. it happens specially after i switch on the a/c. i guess the tappet clearance has a problem. when i accelerate it has no problem. but if i break the RPM drops and the break system doesn't work properly at that time . i mean when i drive it slow and break often the rpm drops and the break doesn't work.
Previous car:toyota estima 1995
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May 5, 2012, 4:24 pm  from: Leo
I had the same problem. Bought Eletric contact cleaner e sprayed all over the MAF sensor. Let it dry for 10 minutes and the problem went away.
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Updated on June 16, 2024