2006 toyota belta
2006 toyota belta
2006 toyota belta
2006 toyota belta
2006 toyota belta
More photos Toyota Belta

2006 Toyota Belta slow acceletation problems in Bangladesh

Report a Problem

Date:August 28, 2012, 5:33 am
Location:Bangladesh, Dhaka, Dhaka
Vehicle:Toyota Belta
Problems:I have a Toyota Belta 2006,recently it was giving a strong forward jolt when accelerating from 0 milage.Taken to a mechanic who said that,gear box needed to be changed. Asked another mechanic he said that there is no gear oil & replanished it.After replanishing the gear oil,the forward jolt almost got solved,but,the car is not accelerating at all.When engine started,it moves very slowly & after a 10-15 mins run, it slowly takes faster acceleration.

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Updated on June 16, 2024