2010 toyota allion
2010 toyota allion
2010 toyota allion
2010 toyota allion
2010 toyota allion
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2010 Toyota Allion samrt key (fob problems in Sri Lanka

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Date:August 24, 2011, 7:50 am
Location:Sri Lanka, Colombo
Vehicle:Toyota Allion
Problems:Kindly enlighten clearly to solve following.

a) Can Toyota Allion A15 2010 October model start without fob key?

b) Any device to detect the fob unit if hidden/dropped inside the car?

c) Any other method to check whether it is hidden inside of the car?

d) Any option to lock & unlock the car without fob key?

Your urgent response is appreciated.
Previous car:Toyota corolla xli

Suggest a Solution

September 19, 2011, 7:55 am  from: PK
1. smart key to be in the car to start. otherwise .no
2. don't know about such.
3.if you car starts without any additional smart key, then you have a one in already hidden somewhere.
4.use the mechanical key.

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Updated on June 15, 2024