2008 toyota allion
2008 toyota allion
2008 toyota allion
2008 toyota allion
2008 toyota allion
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2008 Toyota Allion keyless entry problems in Sri Lanka

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Date:May 19, 2011, 11:27 am
Name:S. Ekanayaka
Location:Sri Lanka, Western, Colombo
Vehicle:Toyota Allion
Problems:1.@ times cannot start the car with the key less remote, changed the battery- still i do have the problem at times starting.What could be the reason for this, after half and hour it starts again.(no indication on the dashboard)
2.Also I could not start the engine close to a sensitive antenna- after several attempts it started( indication is a amber colour key - crossed appears on the dash)
Could you pl. advise what i should do.

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March 8, 2013, 2:49 am  from: ayrga
need a remote switch for allion 08 urgently
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Updated on June 15, 2024