1998 toyota land cruiser
1998 toyota land cruiser
1998 toyota land cruiser
1998 toyota land cruiser
1998 toyota land cruiser
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1998 Toyota Land Cruiser wont start problems in South Africa

Report a Problem

Date:January 4, 2011, 12:39 pm
Location:South Africa, JHB
Vehicle:Toyota Land Cruiser
Problems:The Landcruiser 4.2 Diesel was Redone new Pistons rings ,Head was redone too
When i drive +- 2 Hours and Switch of the vehicle it will not Start again until it has cooled down (the vehicle is not running Hot Tempurater is normal) it has to stand for aproximitly 40 Munits before it starts again
if it was a petrol car i would have siad it is Perculation ,but that is not suppose to happen with a Diesel
Previous car:toyota

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February 19, 2011, 12:51 am  from: tony sampang
check you ignition coil
check your ignition module
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Updated on June 10, 2024