1996 toyota celsior
1996 toyota celsior
1996 toyota celsior
1996 toyota celsior
1996 toyota celsior
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1996 Toyota Celsior front shocks and compressor do not pump up problems in South Africa

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Date:September 1, 2011, 9:31 pm
Name:davids Salie
Location:South Africa, Eastern Cape, Umthatha
Vehicle:Toyota Celsior
General comments:How I wish that we could get japan made parts easily here in South Africa because we do buy the cars but we do not have access to parts so our cars become useless due to small parts.
Problems:I have got a Toyota Celsior 1996 model and has been performing very well but it ghas got two problems which have caused it to stand still;
1. The front shocks nolonger pump pressure for the tyres to come up and i failed to find replacement parts here in South Africa,
2. I got a head on colussion so the radiator got damaged, the grill and the head lights and the packing i have failed to get the spare parts how can you help me to repair this nice draeam car of mine? i will be very glad to hear from you.
Previous car:Nothing
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February 25, 2015, 9:54 pm  from: Kennedy
I have the car its very expensive to maintain so I am scraping it, you can get parts from me
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Updated on June 4, 2024