Automotive Troubleshooting in Palau

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Common Car Problems: User-Reported Issues and Solutions

Report a Problem

ComplaintDescriptionName and LocationPhoto
Sensor light on,the car running stocks not smut sundely engine off2003 Honda Fit Aria; ThailàndYudi ililau
Palau, Koror ili, Palau
Engine1999 Toyota Corsa
1 comment
Diukes Reklai
Palau, Airai
Automatic Transmission Problems1993 Toyota Sprinter Trueno; noneLeeroth Wilhelm
Palau, Koror, Meketii
I need a Rotor Distributor1999 Daihatsu PyzarDoramae Ngiratregd
Palau, Palau
I need spare parts and key1998 Toyota AltezzaGreg Ngirailemesang
Palau, koror, Palau

Updated on April 25, 2024