1996 toyota corona
1996 toyota corona
1996 toyota corona
1996 toyota corona
1996 toyota corona
More photos Toyota Corona

1996 Toyota Corona need parts problems in Others

Report a Problem

Date:June 3, 2012, 3:41 am
Name, Location:Rudy Rao , Nadi Fiji Islands
Vehicle:Toyota Corona
Modification:corona ST190
General comments:just need parts to repair , it still runs but needs some repairs
Problems:I need parts as \r\n1) 4 shcok absorbers\r\n2) 4 links \r\n3) supension plate with all bushing in it \r\n4) roden \r\n5) ball joints \r\n6) raken \r\n7) all egine mounting \r\n8) driver side door machine , with cover auto
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Updated on June 7, 2024