2004 toyota passo
2004 toyota passo
2004 toyota passo
2004 toyota passo
2004 toyota passo
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2004 Toyota Passo idle problems in New Zealand

Report a Problem

Date:January 12, 2011, 1:05 am
Name:Connie Gavin
Location:New Zealand, Auckland, Rotorua
Vehicle:Toyota Passo
Problems:Some days when the car is sitting idling, it makes a loud rattling sound.

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February 27, 2011, 9:56 pm  from: Allan Turner
Hi there, in regards to your idle problem in your
Toyota Passo, Did you ever get this fixed as we have a simillar problem with our one, almost is like the idle
speed needs to be increased.

Let me know if you ever got this sorted on your one

Kind Regards
Allan Turner
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Updated on June 9, 2024