1998 toyota duet
1998 toyota duet
1998 toyota duet
1998 toyota duet
1998 toyota duet
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1998 Toyota Duet cannot reverse problems in Fiji

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Date:April 27, 2010, 3:13 am
Location:Fiji, Central, Suva
Vehicle:Toyota Duet
General comments:Mechanics have checked my Car and they said, this model has so many complication with regards to space in the engine and when you want to take something out of the engine you need to dismantle few other parts in order to get what you want this is in regards to Gear box
Problems:All my forward gears are working perfectly but when I put it onto reverse gear the car doesn't move not even a inch.
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February 22, 2011, 12:07 am  from: sunny
cal me 9972626
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Updated on June 8, 2024