2002 suzuki chevrolet cruze
2002 suzuki chevrolet cruze
2002 suzuki chevrolet cruze
2002 suzuki chevrolet cruze
2002 suzuki chevrolet cruze
More photos Suzuki Chevrolet Cruze

2002 Suzuki Chevrolet Cruze shock mounting problems in Botswana

Report a Problem

Date:February 15, 2011, 1:56 pm
Location:Botswana, Madcity, Gaborone
Vehicle:Suzuki Chevrolet Cruze
Problems:my car makes a gugu sounds esp when i drive in gravel road or in humps.the machenic has diagnosed that its a shock mounting and i have gone to differents spare shops in Botswana, unfortunately i could'nt get help meaning they are not selling those parts. what can i do?
Previous car:none

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Updated on June 3, 2024