1998 subaru legacy b4
1998 subaru legacy b4
1998 subaru legacy b4
1998 subaru legacy b4
1998 subaru legacy b4
More photos Subaru Legacy B4

1998 Subaru Legacy B4 check engine problems in Botswana

Report a Problem

Date:January 30, 2010, 10:05 am
Name, Location:Keoagile Marumoagae, Gaborone Botswana
Location+:Botswana, South-East
Vehicle:Subaru Legacy B4
General comments:Its a fast nice car but only that it goes up to 180km per hour. It was supposed to go beyound that.
Problems:It says check engine.(engine light on) The car jerks and when you start in the morning it cuts off. When you rev at high speed and change it takes time then will pick speed.

When i take it on the highway and rev it it will either jerk or you can feel the engine is heavy, then when it picks and you change to another gear (i.e 1 to 2) it will acts as if its suffocating (reduse speed) and after some time will pick speeed again.
Previous car:Nissan priemira 200sti, volvo T5
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Suggest a Solution

July 4, 2010, 10:12 pm  from: gilbert
Getting service from a qualified subaru mechanic, would solve the problem.
check engine has many meanings from the error logging system, could be wrong timing or time to change things like timing belts etc. It could also be choking on any of the filters - air - oil etc.
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August 16, 2012, 12:22 pm  from: Tawanda
try changing or cleaning the airflow meter. Its responsible for the rough idle and the flat spots
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April 21, 2014, 4:50 pm  from: Ollie
Is the limiter still on the engine? All Japanese cars are restricted to 112mph/180kmh.

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Updated on June 3, 2024